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Anti-Periodic Solutions Of Differential Equations

Posted on:2010-04-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:R WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1100360272497300Subject:Applied Mathematics
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The anti-periodic problems of differential equations widely used in many fields such as physics, biology, ecology and economy and so on. The methods of periodic problems of differential equations have been extended to anti-periodic problems, and have gained a lot of results.In this paper, we are mainly concerned with the existence of anti-periodic solutions. The article contains three sections. In section 1, we prove an anti-periodic LaSalle oscillation theorem. In section 2, we consider the existence problem for anti-periodic second order differential equation. Finally we study anti-periodic solutions for evolution equations, and prove the Massera theorem.§1 An Anti-periodic LaSalle Oscillation TheoremConsider the equation x'=f(t,x), (1)where f : R×Rn→Rn is continuous and -f(t + T,x) = f(t, -x); t∈R. Theorem 1. If Eq.(1)has the solution x0(t) on [0,∞), and there exists a nonnegative functionα(t) on [0,∞) with (?), such that any two solutions x(t), y(t) of Eq.(1) satisfyThen Eq.(1) admits a T-anti-periodic solution.Theorem 2. Let f(t,x) satisfy the Kamke monotonicity, that is, for any x, y∈Rn, if xj≤ yj, j = 1,2,…, n; xi = yi, there is fi(t, x)≤fi(t, y). Further assume that there exist C1 functionsα,β: [0, T]→Rn, such that(H1)β≥0,α=-β,β(T)≤β(0);(H2)α'≤f(t,α),β'≥f(t,β).Then Eq.(1) has T-anti-periodic solution x*(t), withα≤x*≤β.Definition 1. We say that a pair of functionsβ,α∈AC([0, T]) are related lower and upper solutions for the anti-periodic problem (1) ifandTheorem 3. Suppose that there existβ,α∈AC([0,T]) related lower and upper solutions for the anti-periodic problem (1). Further assume that f (t, x) satisfy the Kamke monotonicity, that is, for any x, y∈Rn, if xj≤yj, j = 1,2,…,n; xi = yi, there is fi(t,x)≤fi(t,y). Then Eq.(1) has T-anti-periodic solution x*(t), withα≤x*≤β. §2 The existence of anti-periodic second order differential equationIn the natural world, the essence of many phenomenons is the study of solutions of nonlinear differential equations.Consider the following equation:(?) (2) where f : R1×R1×R1→R1 is continuous and f(t+T,x,p) = -f(t,-x,-p), for any (t,x,p).Theorem 4 Assume that there exist C2 functionsα,β: [0, T]→R1, such that(H1)α(0) =α(T),β(0) =β(T),α'(0)≥α'(T),β'(0)≤β(T);β(t)≥0,α(t) =-β(t), t∈[0,T];(H2)α"≥f(t,α,α'),β"≤f (t,β,β'), t∈[0,T]; (H3) |f(t,x,p)|≤c(1 + |p|2),α≤x≤β.Then the Eq.(2) has a T-anti-periodic solution x*(t) withα≤x*≤β, t∈[0,T].Consider the second order differential equations(p(t)x')' + f(t,x) = 0. (3)We have the following assumptions:(A1) f∈C1(R×R) is T-anti-periodic with respect to the first variable, that is -f(t + T,x) = f(t, -x):p∈C 1(R) is T-periodic, that is p(t + T) = p(t), and p(t) >0,t∈R.(A2) There exist two constants a and b such that(?) on R×R, and there exists a nonnegative integer m satisfying the conditionTheorem 5 Let the assumptions (A1)and (A2) hold. Them Eq.(3) has a unique T-anti-periodic solution.As a direct generalization of Theorem 5, we can consider a general even order differential equation as follows:Theorem 6 Let f∈C1(R×R) with -f(t + T, x) = f(t, -x), and p∈Cn(R) with p(t + T) = p(t), and p(t + T)= p(t), and p(t) > 0,t∈R Assume that there exist constants a and b, and a nonnegative integer m such that the inequalityholds on R×R for constantsαj j = 1, 2,…, n - 1. Then Eq.(4) has a unique T-anti-periodic solution.Consider the following equation (?), (5)where x∈Rn, f∈C1(R×Rn), -f(t + T, x) = f(t, -x). Theorem 7 Assume that there exist two constants 7 > 0 and v > 0 such thatγI < p(t) <νI, where I is a n×n unit matrix. There exist two constant symmetric n×n matrices A and B such thatwhere fx = (fixj) is a Jacobian matrix, and fx is a symmetric n×n matrix. If k1≤k2≤…≤kn andμ1≤μ2≤…≤μn are the eigenvalues of A and B respectivly. There exist integers Ni,i = 1,2,…,n, satisfying the conditionThen Eq.(5) has only one T-anti-periodic solution.§3 Anti-periodic solutions for evolution equationsLet X be a Banach space with the norm ||·||. We denote by C≡C([-r, 0],X) the Banach space of all continuous map from [-r, 0]→X with the usual supremum norm ||·||. Here r≥0.Consider the linear evolution equation with delayx' = A(t)xt + B(t), (6)where A(t) : D(A(t))→X,t∈R, is linear: B : R→X, and A(t) isωperiodic, that is A(t) = A(t +ω); B(t) isωanti-periodic, that is, -B(t) =B(t+ω):ω>0,t∈R; xt : [-r,0]→X, and xt(θ) = x(t +θ),θ∈[-r,0]; D(A(t)) is the domain of A(t), is a linear subspace of C. For Eq.(6), we have the following assumptions:(H1)There exists a unique continous linear operator function U : R+×R+→L(X, X) (L(X, X) is the Banach space of all bounded linear operator from X into X with the supremum norm ||·||) such that(a)(the indentical operator), t = s;(b)∪(t, t1)∪(t1,s) = U(t, s) 0≤s≤t1 0, andφ∈D(A(σ)),there exists a unique continuous solution u(t,σ,φ) of the problem,(?), (7)that is, when t≥σ, u(t,σ,φ)satisfies the equation u' = A(t)ut, uσ=φ, and the conition uσ=φ.Definition 2 A mild (strict) solution x(t) is said to be a mild (strict)ωanti-periodic solution of Eq.(6), if x(t +ω) =-x(t), t∈R.Theorem 8 Letω≥r, and let the condition (H1) and (H2)hold. Moreover, assume that there exists a mild (strict) solution of Eq.(6) defined on R, with the initial value x0 =φ∈D(A(0)), such tant the set {(xk)t}is precompact in C, where xk(t) = x(t + kω) = (-1)kx(t) t∈R+. Then Eq.(6) admits aωanti-periodic solution.Consider the following equationx' + A(t)x = f(t,x), (8)where x∈X,t∈R, {A(t) : A(t +ω) = A(t), t∈R} is a family of closed densely defined linear operators in X such that the domain D(A(t)) of A(t) is independent of t; f : R×C→X, and -f(t +ω, x) = f(t, -x); X is a Banach space with the norm ||·||.We have the following assumption:(H3) The bounded operator A(t)A(s)-1 is Holder continuous in t for each fixed s.(H4) For each t∈[0,ω], R(λ,A(t)) exists for allλwith Reλ> 0,and there exists M > 0 such that (?). R(λ,A(t)) =(λI - A(t))-1 is the resolvent of A(t).(H5) For each t∈[0,ω] and someλ∈ρ(A(t)), R(λ, A(t)) is a compact operator.(H6) For someω> 0, A(t +ω) = A(t), f(t +ω,Φ) = -f(t, -Φ); there exists a constantν∈(0,1); and for some M0 > 0 and everyρ> 0, there exists a constant C(ρ) > 0 such thatfor t∈R,Φ,φ∈Cαsatisfyingwhere Cα= C([-r,0),Xα), with the norm ||·||∞,α definded ||Φ|| ∞,α= (?).Theorem 9 Assume that (H3)-(H6) hold. If there existσ> 0 andβ∈(0,1] such that for every x0∈Xβ, every continuousω-anti-periodic functionΦ: R→X, with ||Φ||∞≤σ, and the mild solution x(t,Φ) of the Cauchy problemx' + A(t)x = f(t,Φ), the following holds:(?). (9)Then Eq. (8) admits aω-anti-periodic solution x*(t) with the norm ||x*(t) ||≤σ,t∈R.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ordinary differential equation, Functional differential equation, Anti-periodic solution, LaSalle Oscillation Theorem, Kamke monotonicity, Nagumo constant, bilinear form, Massera criterion
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