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Research On The Revolutionary Concept Of The Communist Party Of China

Posted on:2022-09-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1486306338965849Subject:Marxism in China
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The revolutionary view of the Communist Party of China is the theoretical product of the combination of Marxist revolutionary thought and China's reality.With the guidance of Marxist revolutionary theory,the Communist Party of China is based on the characteristics and laws of Chinese revolution,construction and reform,has formed revolutionary theory with Chinese characteristics,led the Chinese people to win the new democratic revolution,successfully completed the socialist revolution,and carried out beneficial exploration of socialist construction.Now it guides the party and the people to carry out great struggle and great revolution,and continue to promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Revolution penetrates the whole process of Chinese revolution,construction and reform.Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era,reform and development are the main theme of the times,but it does not mean that revolution is out of date.The revolutionary thought of the Communist Party of China is still an important theoretical support for us to build socialism with Chinese characteristics.It is necessary and realistic to review the party's revolutionary thought,fully grasp the meaning of the party's revolutionary thought,and interpret the significance of the party's revolutionary thought.To explore the important topic of the revolutionary thought of the Communist Party of China,we first need to investigate and interpret the concept of revolution itself.Revolution is not only a profound philosophical concept,but also a complex practical concept.Revolution is a decisive part in the development of mankind civilization and world history since modern times.With the development of social history,the connotation and extension of the concept of revolution have changed accordingly.While the meaning of revolution is enriched,it also expands to different degrees,and is frequently in over-interpretations or extremely understood,so that revolution,as a familiar concept,often stays in the embarrassing situation of fuzzy cognition or misunderstanding.There are endless misunderstandings and erroneous arguments about revolution.Under the framework of Marxist revolutionary thought system,we must face up to the "panorama" of the concept of revolution,grasp the essence of revolution,divide the categories of revolution,differentiate the related concepts of revolution,remove the cognitive barriers about revolution,and clarify of the concept of revolution,so as to continue to explore the revolutionary thought of the Communist Party of China.There are rich ideological and theoretical resources behind the formation of the revolutionary view of the Communist Party of China,mainly including the Chinese revolutionary theory since modern times,the western bourgeois democratic revolutionary thought and the revolutionary theory of Marxist classic writers,which provides reference and inspiration for the formation of the party's revolutionary thought.After the first Opium War,modern China began nearly a hundred years of humiliating history.China's advanced elements advocated to keep up with the west,from learning western "utensils" to western political system and western ideology and culture.Although their national salvation plans all went bankrupt in the end,their theories and national salvation movements for changing China's semi colonial and semi feudal society deeply inspired the Chinese Communists and provided a useful reference for the Chinese Communist Party to lead the Chinese revolution.Since modern times,Chinese advanced elements have deeply felt the mightiness of Western capitalist countries,actively publicized western thoughts and political theories,or imitated western advanced political systems,or formulated new national salvation plans.Western democratic revolutionary thoughts,such as constitutional monarchy,Democratic Republic and liberalism,had a direct impact on Chinese advanced elements' ideas of saving the country,stimulated their awakening of revolutionary consciousness and revolutionary consciousness,and laid a certain foundation for later accepting Marxist scientific theory and growing up as proletarian revolutionaries.After Marxism was introduced into China,it was recognized and respected by Chinese intellectuals.Marxism has always emphasized revolutionizing the unreasonable existing world,which is in line with the revolutionary demands of advanced revolutionaries to change the current situation of modern society.Therefore,Marxism has become their guiding ideology and a powerful weapon of modern Chinese revolution.The emergence of modern Chinese revolution is not unconditional,but has profound reasons.The interweaving of national crisis and social contradictions is the social and historical condition.The complex changes of national crisis and social contradictions reflect the changes and development of Chinese revolutionary movement since modern times,and determine the historical task and goal of Chinese revolution.The emergence and development of Chinese national capitalism provided new political and economic conditions.As a new economic form and mode of production,national capitalism gave birth to new class relations and class groups,and promoted the development of Chinese revolution.The victory of the October Revolution is the external condition that influences the Chinese revolution.The victory of the October Revolution pointed out a new revolutionary road for modern China,prompting more advanced elements to choose Marxism Leninism,turn to socialism,and grow into strong leaders of the Chinese revolution.It is constantly clear that the road of "social transformation" in debates is the ideological condition of the Chinese revolution.The road of "transformation" of modern society is clear in the debate between Marxism and non Marxism.Chinese advanced intellectuals realize that only scientific socialism can save China and only Marxism can guide Chinese revolution,so they regard the socialist revolutionary road as the only correct road of Chinese revolution.The leadership of Chinese proletarian revolutionary party is the main condition for the development of Chinese revolution.Our party adheres to the guidance of scientific ideology and theory,independently explores the road of Chinese revolution,and makes the Chinese revolution take on a new look.Any successful revolution can't do without correct strategy."Policies and strategies are the life of the party" and important factors for our party to lead the revolution to victory.Through propaganda,the Communist Party of China educates and inspires the working class,awakens the left-wing forces of the peasantry and the United bourgeoisie,and expands the influence scope of the revolution.Propaganda and education is also a powerful weapon for our party to compete with the reactionary forces.The Communist Party of China must be good at using propaganda means to launch an offensive of public opinion,create a favorable situation of public opinion throughout the country,and gather all the positive forces of the Chinese revolution.Persisting in centralized organized struggle is helpful to accumulate revolutionary forces and achieve victory over the enemy,which is a manifestation of our party's gradual maturity."Without investigation,there will be no right to speak",which provides fresh and reliable social materials for the party to formulate revolutionary line,principles and policies.The proletariat is the main force of the Chinese revolution,but it is not the only force.The establishment of the Revolutionary Alliance and the United Front is an important strategy to promote the revolutionary cause,and the alliance of workers and peasants is even related to the success or failure of the revolution."Continuous revolution" is another strategy of proletarian revolution.China's democratic revolution has been advancing with difficulty in the course of twists and turns,and is facing a difficult situation of struggle.It is impossible to eliminate the counter revolutionary forces and their remnants in a short period of time.It is impossible for the Chinese revolution to "accomplish its success in one battle",but it must persist in continuous revolution.Revolution represents the fundamental change of a society.The primary meaning of revolution is political revolution,that is,to change the ruling regime and establish a regime that conforms to historical inevitability.The Communist Party of China led the people to win the democratic revolution,eliminated the feudalism system,demolished the ruling edifice of the big landlords and big bourgeoisie,built up a new revolutionary regime,carried out a comprehensive and thorough transformation of society,and established a socialist society.The socialist revolution is to change the mode of production and the relations of production,make the means of production belong to the whole society,and eliminate private possession and class exploitation and the material and economic relations resulting from them.After the new democratic revolution,our party relied on the state power to carry out socialist transformation and establish socialist public ownership,which was the most significant change in Chinese society at that time.Cultural transformation is a change in the field of culture.The Communist Party of China was building a new culture in the transformation of the old culture,setting up new ideas in the elimination of backward ideas,and building a new cultural system in the overthrow of the decadent cultural system,so as to form a revolutionary new culture different from the reactionary and stale culture.The proletarian revolution is to smash the old system,build and reform the new system.The founding of new China marks the end of all reactionary regimes and their ruling systems.New China created a socialist political system,and then constructed a socialist economic system,and gradually formed a socialist national system.Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11 th CPC Central Committee,the Chinese Communists represented by Deng Xiaoping have put the socialist direction of system reform to consolidate,improve the socialist system and highlight the superiority of socialism with Chinese characteristics.China's road refers to the correct road that conforms to China's national conditions and reflects the objective regularity of China's revolutionary construction and reform.After a long period of exploration,the Communist Party of China has formed a democratic revolutionary road with Chinese characteristics.The Chinese revolution has developed along the right road and won victory.It has created a socialist revolutionary road suitable for China's national conditions.The socialist revolution is presented in the form of socialist transformation,and the socialist transformation has not reduced the significance of the socialist revolution,and has finally been successfully completed.The Third Plenary Session of the 11 th CPC Central Committee marks that China has entered the period of reform and opening up,and created the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.China has made great achievements that shocked the world.The Chinese revolutionary road is not created without foundation,and the choice of the Chinese revolutionary road is not arbitrary.The choice criterion of the revolutionary road is why to choose this road.The Chinese revolutionary road is gradually determined according to the development requirements of social productive forces,the main social contradictions and their changes,and the needs of national independence and people's liberation.Whether the Chinese revolutionary road is reasonable,whether it is right and why it is right is not a purely abstract theoretical problem,but a specific practical problem,which involves the evaluation of the revolutionary road.China's road is just,and justice is the moral standard to evaluate China's road;China's road is beneficial to the people,which is a basic standard to evaluate China's road;China's road has world historical influence,which is the world standard to evaluate China's road.The revolutionary practice of the Communist Party of China has two directions:the revolutionary movement to change the external world is social revolution,and the revolutionary action to transform the internal itself is self revolution.Self revolution is not only the most distinctive character of our party,but also the greatest advantage of our party.Self revolution is the party's self construction,is the party to face the problem and correct the problem,achieve self-improvement and self-improvement,and always maintain the vitality of the party.Self revolution is driven by both internal and external factors.On the one hand,it is actively carried out by the party under the mobilization of self revolutionary spirit.on the other hand,it is forced by external pressure.The latter is often the common cause of self revolution.The time for self revolution is often based on a huge price.Comprehensive and strict governance of the party is a great feat of self revolution,which is related to the success or failure of the cause of the party and the state,whether the party can jump out of the "historical cycle rate",and whether the party can ensure the political nature and advanced quality.In the new era,our party leads the great social revolution of reform and opening up and socialist modernization,and at the same time carries out the great self revolution of the party.Self revolution is the objective requirement and important guarantee for the great social revolution,which must be guided and promoted by self revolution.Generally speaking,revolution is the historical theme of modern Chinese society.In modern Chinese society,revolutionary events are frequently staged,and revolutionary situation is complicated and difficult to distinguish.However,revolution is not unpredictable,and the operation of revolution has rules to follow.Revolution itself contains profound dialectic implications,such as war and peace,revolution and counter revolution,enemy and friend,Party leadership and people's war,strategy and tactics,principles and strategies,long term and stage,and revolution Life and reform,Chinese revolution and world revolution,etc.Based on the dialectics of revolution,dialectically and comprehensively grasping the cause of the party's revolution and construction is the methodological principle we must follow today.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marxist revolutionary thought, revolutionary view of the Communist Party of China, proletarian revolution, Chinese revolutionary practice, leadership of the Communist Party of China
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