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Gold, Molybdenum And Tungsten Contents Of Deep-seated Xenoliths From Eastern China And Their Implications

Posted on:2008-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2120360215464905Subject:Institute of Geochemistry
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Gold, molybdenum and tungsten contents in the samples of deep-seated Xenoliths and their host rocks from Anfeng peak were analyzed. Some basic data were got. On the basic of the analytical results and geochemistry components of the elements, some new developments and understanding as follows were got.Gold rich part of lithospheric mantle is the material basis of gold mineralized concentration Area in the crustal. Gold content in the samples of deep-seated Xenoliths and their host rocks exists relations with their lithology, but not absolute.Different from gold, molybdenum content in the samples of deep-seated Xenoliths is much less than it in their host basalt rocks. In different kinds of samples, molybdenum content in basic rocks is highest, in acid rocks is second, and the content in ultrabasic rocks is the least.Generally speaking , tungsten content in the samples of deep-seated Xenoliths is less than it in their host basalt rocks. In different kins of rocks, tungsten content in acid rocks is highest. Second, the content in basic rocks. Last, the content in ultrabasic rocks. For their similar geochemistry components, molybdenum and tungsten contents have some connection.The differences between Gold, molybdenum and tungsten contents in the samples of deep-seated Xenoliths and their host rocks, the discrepancies of Gold, molybdenum and tungsten contents in the samples of deep-seated Xenoliths and their host rocks from different parts and the difference of Gold ,molybdenum and tungsten mineralized concentration Area in the crustal exists relations with the form and process of lithosphere and the elements' geochemistry components.
Keywords/Search Tags:deep-seated Xenoliths, basalt, gold deposit-concentr atedistrict, molybdenum deposit-concentrateddistrict, tungsten depo sit-concentrated district
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