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Learner Autonomy And Its Application To English Language Teaching And Learning

Posted on:2005-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360152966502Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The concept of autonomous learning stemmed from debates about the development of life-long learning skills and the development of independent thinkers both of which originated in the 1960s. Man is not the product of society, but the producer of it. Adult education, therefore, includes objects such as equal opportunities, responsible autonomy, personal fulfillment and the democratization of education. Since the 1980s, learner autonomy has been a topic of widespread discussion in the field of applied linguistics. It is starting to be an unquestionable goal and integral part of language learning methodologies throughout the world. Definitions of learner autonomy have varied, but they have included the central feature: learners should take responsibilities for their own learning, which involves learners in taking ownership of many processes such as deciding on learning objectives, selecting learning methods and evaluating progress.A sense of autonomy is seen as one of the most fundamental needs and purposes of human beings. Another fundamental need is relatedness, that is, need for contact, support and community with others. We are social creatures, and we depend on one another and learn from one another in a large number of ways. Thus, the independence that we exercise through our developed capacity for autonomous behavior is always conditioned and constrained by our inescapable interdependence. Learner autonomy includes two levels: proactive autonomy and reactive autonomy. The first regulates the direction of activity as well as the activity itself. The second regulates the activity once the direction has been set. In the following survey we find that reactive autonomy suits students in English classes in Chinese tertiary schools.Learner autonomy in language learning is sometimes presented as a Western concept unsuited to contexts, such as those in China, which have different educational traditions. Based on the analysis of some cultural features of Chinese students, this thesis puts forward some hypotheses and predictions on Chinese students' characteristics and tendencies in language learning, which are related to learner autonomy, and attempts to examine the validity of them in language learning in the context of Chinese tertiary schools, so as to discuss whether it is appropriate to promote learner autonomy among Chinese students. The study shows that Chinese students are politically and psychologically ready for learner autonomy, reactive autonomy in particular. Meanwhile, the thesis analyzes some non-English major students' different traits and needs in English study. Since learner autonomy is not innate, the learner can gain it through learner training, i.e. learning how to learn. In view of English teaching and learning in Chinese tertiary schools, the thesis brings up a detailed methodologyof learner training, learner training activities and suggestions for the promotion of learner autonomy.Learner autonomy as the ultimate educational goal is supported in the thesis. Students' different needs in different situations are also mentioned. Meanwhile the thesis points out that learner autonomy is not eternal. It may be strengthened or weakened with the change of time, subjects, conditions et cetera. Therefore, in the application of learner autonomy in English teaching and learning, the key point is to make the learner be aware of learner autonomy, take the responsibility in learning and learn how to learn, which will benefit him or her through the whole life as well as the schooldays.
Keywords/Search Tags:Learner Autonomy, Language Learning, Culture, Learner Training
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