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Study Of County-level Administrative Authority, License Practical Issues

Posted on:2011-11-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L PanFull Text:PDF
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The administrative licensing, because its prior to the particularity of the examination, and remove the special general banned from nature, administrative penalty or administrative and other administrative means, and administrative subject which pro-gaze. Therefore, whether take the form of administrative licensing alone, whether to legislation this project management approach called the administrative licensing, and generally adopted the administrative licensing this mode of administration, to give full play to the government's duty of management of the market, the "invisible hand" can't solve the problem. In the early days, because of the planned economy system, the government won everything, everything, examination and approval, the administrative examination and approval of the social management almost covers every aspect. At the time, to ensure the normal order of social and economic construction of rapid recovery. However, after entering the market economy, the administrative examination and approval system for social and economic development has done a lot of obstacles. In 2003, the administrative license law enacted by legislative forms, alone, expected to administrative examination and approval, the reform of government into legal system of social development, management mode. On July 1, 2004, implementation, we see gladly, administrative examination and approval items in a great number of cut, the administrative licensing more efficient and honest and open. But, as our country's a special administrative licensing law all the way, and behavior of administrative legislation licensing and frequently since the founding of the department of numerous issued by the administrative examination and approval, and the administrative licensing has no strict definition, the administrative licensing in practice still exist many problems, this article through to the administrative organ of zhejiang province Anji county administrative licensing of the empirical analysis, and explore further perfecting the system of administrative licensing. B esides the introduction and conclusion text, is divided into four parts:The first part of the 2009 Anji county, zhejiang province according to the statistics, the administrative licensing of Anji county administrative licensing situation made a concrete analysis. Anji county for the implementation of administrative licensing of the body, including statutory right, take three modes, entrust authorized. Because some of the administrative licensing items may not in fact through review of management and administration of "absence, 2009, the number of administrative licensing items happen for" zero ". Most of the implementation of administrative licensing authority are already in administrative service center, adopted the "one-stop" work manner, and the positive function of administrative license ", "one" merge "approval," a table type "examination and approval of the administrative approval system reform, and has obtained some achievements.The second part of Anji county administrative licensing situation made a concrete analysis. From the administrative licensing, the administrative licensing items, the implementation of administrative licensing is analyzed from three aspects, Anji county administrative licensing problems. From the local government investment, economic development point of view, the administrative licensing items, are still exist problems. Front the government management mode and concept, no change in the county administrative licensing still do "addition," illegal administrative licensing situation, in addition, the administrative body is not strictly in accordance with the law.The third part of administrative authorities at or above the county level are analyzed the existing problems of administrative licensing specific reasons. Although in the administrative licensing legislation way to solve the administrative examination and approval of expectation, but due to the legalization of administrative approval prior to the administrative licensing and profound historical effect, and the administrative examination and approval from the stage of history, has not licensing examination and approval matters and administrative licensing items coexist, not fundamentally establishing administrative licensing authority. Additionally, the actual from grass-roots legislation and administration accountability system is caused, administrative organs at or above the county level shall implement administrative licensing law cannot key.The fourth part of administrative authorities at or above the county level for the implementation of administrative licensing reform direction did. A legislative level, according to the practice, in the legal responsibility, the administrative licensing shall be perfect; the aspects of classification, Second is the provincial government level, to implement toffee and promote economic licensing cuts, government reform and exploration of administrative licensing is relatively concentrated, Three from the Angle of county government power, puts forward the way to change the administrative management, consolidate and strengthen administrative licensing reform for the implementation of administrative licensing authority supervision.
Keywords/Search Tags:administrative license, administrative authorities, county, Anji county, practice
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