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The Research On Court "Ya Yue" Music In Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2012-09-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Q YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ya music is used Suburb Sacrifice Attributes (worship heaven and earth), ancestral (ancestor worship), court etiquette (dprk will Ceremony), rural radio (on behalf of the rulers banquet of Scholar), and various military ceremony. Of ancient Chinese court music one of the important musical genres, it is not only synonymous with imperial music, but also the Confucian culture, an important part of ritual. As a system of musical culture, court music lessons through continuous folk music, foreign music made to meet the social development of their own, to the Tang Dynasty, with the Chinese feudal society into a summary of the medieval period, court music has been systematically organized and summarized On this basis, the Tang court music to folk music, Hu music, Buddhist music Jiaru Ya music system, formed a unique spirit of the times, and later in China and surrounding areas have a wide range of court music and far-reaching impactSociety in the Tang Dynasty court music played an active role, it continues to be our country's heritage of Ancient Civilization, and other ethnic music and traditional court music and cultural integration among, and promote the development and improvement of court music. However, a long time, the significance of the Tang Dynasty Court Music and position there is a big controversy. In view of this, the paper choose to take the Tang court music as research subjects through her in-depth historical data to the system based on the analysis, deepen people's understanding of the Tang Dynasty Court Music.Overall, this paper is divided into three parts, the first part is the historical basis of the article, there are two chapters, the first chapter in the Tang Dynasty and the Music in the analysis, historical chapter of the Tang Court Music; second part is the main part of this article were contains three chapters, Chapter III of the Tang court music institutions, the fourth chapter of the Tang court music performances, Chapter Tang Dynasty Court Music music and music; The third part is the conclusion, ChapterⅥ, the Tang court music of several issues. Specific sections as follows:The first chapter discusses the overview of the Tang Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, the social music culture. The article first introduces the system of Tang environment, economic conditions, foreign exchange and cultural development, political and economic analysis of the Tang Dynasty court music and other social environment and role of the impact of the development. On this basis, the article outlines the Tang Dynasty music elegant music, folk music, Hu music about the situation and loan experts in the Tang Dynasty court music, folk music, Hu music point of view of the Tang Dynasty court music, folk music, Hu Yue development Overview to sort out, analyze the survival of the Tang Dynasty Court Music music environmentThe second chapter references by the Tang Dynasty Court Music "Don Six Code", "Tong Dian", "Old Tang", "Yue Miscellany", respectively, in the historical court music to sort and classify, the literature on four historical data gagaku collection and analysis, will be divided into Gagaku historical institutions, Gagaku music, melody, music hanging system, several types of music and dance, while four similar historical literature were compared.The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the Tang Dynasty Court Music of the management, the first will be too happy to research the Department of History of the Tang Dynasty Music Department staff and too much division, functions to be determined, while advocating the Department described, Department staff will be advocates composition and division, and functions in detail. Too much music by the Department of Department and advocates found the Tang Dynasty court music division of authority more clearly than the former, more stringent management, skills are more proficient artists.ChapterⅣfocuses on the Tang Dynasty court music performers, places, and research and analysis of the band, the article start with the Tang court music of the performers to start research, the Tang court music performers and musicians are divided into two generations official music class, and then places the Tang Dynasty Court Music and Music be classified analysis, that is mainly used in the Tang Dynasty Court Music Suburban worship and banquet of the guests and other occasions, the last band after the Tang Dynasty Court Music and musical instruments to elaborate on the use of that instrument in the Tang Dynasty Court Music doped part of the Western musical instruments.ChapterⅤof the Tang Dynasty Court Music music and music law, SectionⅠof the Tang Dynasty, "second and" to be determined, then the kings of the court music music for personal research; Law Section of the Tang Ya Lele, Ya Tang pointed out, folk music relationship with all.ChapterⅥof the Ya-Music of the Tang Dynasty, the first question of the Tang Dynasty court music and folk, Hu music, Buddhist music to show the integration of the unique characteristics of the times; second question asked the Tang Dynasty Court Music "ancient" Ya Fun in the name of the line "good today" and that the court music to be thought of; Finally, the Tang court music of Chinese and Western musical styles and creative combination of theoretical analysis, the style of the Tang Dynasty court music with new features.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang dynasty, "Ya" Music, Characteristics of the times
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