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Prediction Of Favorable Regions Of Chang4+5Oil Reservoir Group In Yan Chi Region In Ordos Basin

Posted on:2013-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Z GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2230330395478239Subject:Oil and gas field development project
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yan Chi area is located in the Ningxia Autonomous Region territory, constructed in the the eastern end of the Tianhuan Depression in the Ordos Basin.which is one of the key block of exploration and development in recent years. The main layer of sand bodies in Chang8and Chang9which with large thickness and good reservoir properties, well production, has been to build large-scale production.And the well points of other non-main layers as Chang7, Chang6and Chang4+5continue to appear, so the study can further clarify the oil and gas exploration prospects in this area for non-main layer.Yanchi Chang4+5, the research objectives, to carry out the stratigraphic division and correlation, re search on microfacies planar distribution characteristics, the second explanation for the logging data, study the microscopic characteristics of reservoir and evaluate reservoir types,analysis of hydrocarbon enrichment patterns, screening favorable built-producing areas and the use of the capacity factor made to predict their capacity to provide the basis for the Yanchi the follow-up scale built production.Systematic study achieved the following understanding:the Yanchi Chang4+5reservoir group according to the sedimentary cycle divided up Chang4+51and Chang4+52two layers, and divided Chang4+52into Chang4+521and Chang4+522; delta formed under the combined effect of the development of the northeast, northwest provenanceedge of the sedimentary facies; favorable sedimentary facies bring the matter to relatively developed area of the formation of favorable reservoirs and Chang4+522reservoir distribution is relatively wide, continuous; feldspathic fine-grained sandstone reservoir, rounded extentsorting the poor physical property is a low porosity and low permeability reservoirs; predict a total of seven favorable exploration area bearing area57.9km2,17.4million tons of geological reserves, provide a basis for rolling development for the area late.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sedimentary microfacies, Log interpretation, Reservoir evaluation, Productivity prediction, Favorable area screening
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