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The Study On The Poverty Issue Of Urban People Living On Minimum Subsistence Allowance From The Perspectiv Of Social Exclution

Posted on:2010-12-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D R SuFull Text:PDF
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Since the1990s, with the economics growing rapidly and the reform deepening continuously, the attendant intense social changes have also brought many social problems. Among them, the poverty issue of urban citizens is one of the prominent problems in our country. During the process of anti-poverty in the city, the "minimum living security" system plays an important part in it, which provides basic living security for people living on minimum subsistence allowance. Also it is named as "the final safety net". Due to restrictions on the level of socio-economic development, although the absolute poverty of t people living on minimum subsistence allowance has been solved with the help of the guaranteeing system, the problem of relative poverty within it is still very prominent. Compared with urban general population, the relative poverty of people living on minimum subsistence allowance has brought a heavy burden on the stability and development of the urban society and added instability to the building of a harmonious society. Therefore, the problem of the relative poverty of people living on minimum subsistence allowance should gain much attention from government and academia.Based on the analysis and summarization of the previous results of relative theoretical studies, this paper analyzes the current poverty of people living on minimum subsistence allowance in Nanjing, which is combined with practice surveys on the living conditions of230guaranteeing in Nanjing. According to the surveys, the author finds that the current poverty of people living on minimum subsistence allowance mainly manifests in the following aspects:Firstly, low level of their household income and strong dependence; secondly, low level of household expenditure; thirdly, heavy burden of their debts and poor family’s ability to expand production; fourthly, poor housing conditions and low rate of owning; fifthly, few total durable goods and single types. On the basis of analyzing relative static, the author discusses the effects leading to poverty of people living on minimum subsistence allowance combining the theory of social exclusion. He thinks that in the transition of society, unemployment and informal employment make people living on minimum subsistence allowance suffer double exclusion from the labor market, which seriously affects the source of income and leads directly into poverty; Blocked channels of interest articulation and lack of organization protection, make people living on minimum subsistence allowance gain no political right or less right, which leads to them being in a weak position in access to social resources; lack of "three insurances", which includes unemployment insurance, medical insurance and pension insurance, always make people living on minimum subsistence allowance get into poverty because of no ability to resist social risks alone; small social interaction and the bottom of social networks make people living on minimum subsistence allowance obtain fewer chances in access to social support, which is also an important reason for their poverty. According to the above, the author holds that it is social exclusion that constitutes the deep-seated causes poverty of people living on minimum subsistence allowance.With regards to this, we must eliminate social exclusion as a starting point in order to make anti-poverty policies for people living on minimum subsistence allowance.. Only through social policies to change the unfairness of "game rules", can we help the people living on minimum subsistence allowance get away from poverty and embark on the road of self-development. To eliminate social exclusion, the author supposes that we should start from the following points. First, to eliminate discrimination in employment, stimulate full employment for people living on minimum subsistence allowance, ensure their basic source of livelihood; secondly, to eliminate the political exclusion, promote the construction of activist channel for people living on minimum subsistence allowance, and safeguard the legitimate political rights of the guaranteeing group; thirdly, to eliminate the exclusion of social security, improve the ability to resist risks so as to knit a safer social safety net for people living on minimum subsistence allowance; lastly, to eliminate the exclusion of social relations, promote the integration of all sectors of society to make people living on minimum subsistence allowance get more social support when meeting with risks.
Keywords/Search Tags:People living on minimum subsistence allowance, Urban, Poverty, Social exclusion
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