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The Asian Games Track And Field Sports Level In Our Country Development Situation And Countermeasure Research

Posted on:2013-09-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330377957355Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Track and Field is a sports-based projects, reflecting a country’s overall competitive level is a measure of a country to become sports power in the world. In this paper, the Asian Games1974-2010our award-winning athletes and their overall performance for the study of the project content, combined with the Asian Games men and women of this time period of the previous championship results and the purpose of the Olympic Games the first8results systematic research and analysis. Use of literature, expert interviews.Mathematical statistics. Comparative analysis and other research methods, the Asian Games in China for the purpose of athletics for development of a detailed analysis of the system, a comprehensive exposition of the development of China’s track and field, track and accurately understand the Asian country’s strengths and weaknesses. Meanwhile, at home and abroad Athletics at the level of comparative analysis, we found advantages of the project’s successful development experience, to find our world-class track and field and the gap between home and abroad to understand the current development of China and the world track and field positioning. According to track the performance of the advantages and disadvantages of each project, targeted, differential treatment, while the corresponding future development proposals, to develop targeted for China’s track and field, rationality and effectiveness of development projects to provide some reference, as soon as possible to promote its embarked on a comprehensive, healthy and sustainable future development. The main conclusions are as follows:1. To date, China has participated in the10th Asian Games, won medals in the total number of389, is the Asian Games track and field gold medal on the cumulative total number of medals than any other country, its overall direction and the overall development trend of China’s roughly the same track:70years of the build-up;80years development period;1990s peak; period of stagnation after2000. This trend is not only affected the overall development trend of China’s track and field effects, but also with the Asian track and field, and a complementary pattern of change.2. On the previous Asian Games track and field, our main point in jumping class gold project, throwing class projects, class projects and hurdles race walking categories of projects; class projects downward trend compared to long-distance, sprint class project. The competitive level in the project run more obvious decline, and all-round project, as a disruption in the last two phenomena; Relay performance and stability; steeplechase to obtain results in general.3. Our award-winning field events was significantly better than the frequency of sport, women’s award-winning frequency higher than for men, women’s track and field events and the majority of the items are in the intermediate segment awards, while the track events in men and women sprint, men’s10000m and marathon man lower frequency of winning the project. It. Asian Games to enhance the overall level of China’s track and field there is still room for development.4. Previous Asian Games, men’s award-winning Brand162,227women shared the medals. From the7th to1lth, winning men and women rising curve showing the overall trend, but the rising curve of different men in the7th to the9th linear upward trend, while the woman is a tortuous curve fluctuations. Together in the11th after the peak, the curve began to decline between men and women, men, women decline faster than, the13th biggest difference between male and female winners.16then, the two curves downward trend to ease recovery, the difference between male and female winners also reduced by half.5. Korea in East Asia, South Asia, India, West Asia, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan in Central Asia have been rising gradually dispersed distribution of medals, the Asian track and field pattern toward a multipolar form of development. Multinational dispute reflects our track and field situation at the same time development of the urgent need for innovation. In recent years, China has weakened the traditional advantages of track and field events, gradually increasing the pressure from all sides, difficult to maintain dominance.6. At the Asian Games in China, there are many competitive worries, including traditional competitive advantages of the project reduced the phenomenon, the slow development of the potential advantages of the project stagnation, the phenomenon of low-lying inferior project, the development of non-equilibrium phenomenon of men and women, competitive strength of line and fault phenomena.7.The level of our world-class track and field athletics development gap between the performance of the theory behind the training, competitive strength is weak and unstable poles do not score at home and abroad, men and women the gap is too large and so the level of project development.
Keywords/Search Tags:China’s track and field, Asian Games, National Games, Olympic Games
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