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Keyword [growth-promoting]
Result: 21 - 40 | Page: 2 of 10
21. Studies On The Growth-promoting Function Of The Chinese Herb Medicine And Selection Of Prescriptions Of Chinese Herb Medicine Preparation
22. Central And Peripheral Mechanisms Underlying The Growth Promoting Effect Of Cysteamine In Broiler Chickens
23. Studies On Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Of Tea Rhizosphere
24. Isolation And Screening Of Endophytes From Tomato And Rape And Their Antagonistic Activity To Plant Pathogens
25. Studies On Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Of Tobacco Rhizosphere
26. Colonization In Plant And Promoting Plant Growth By Endophytic BS-2 (Bacillus Subtilis)
27. Cultural Condition, Colonizing Dynamics And 16SrDNA Sequence Analysis Of PGPR Strains Isolated From Gramineous Forage
28. Screening Of Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacteria And Cloning Of The ACC Deaminase Gene
29. Screening For Bacteria With Growth-promoting And Disease Control Effect To Processing Tomato In Drip Irrigation And Study On The Relevant Mechanism
30. Isolation Of Bacteria With Relieving-salt-stress And Growth-promoting Effect To Cotton And Preliminary Study On The Relevant Mechanism
31. The Study On Effects Of Rhizobium On Cereal Plants Growth
32. Studies On Bacterial Diversity And Antagonistic Growth - Promoting Characteristics Of Dendrobium Candidum
33. Diversity Analysis Of Endophytic Bacteria And Culture Potential
34. Study On The Propagation Of Rhizosphere Bacteria P13 And S3-1 By Soil Nematodes
35. Study Of Narasin On Growth-promoting Function And Security Of Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio)
36. A Primary Research Of The Effects Of Chinese Herbal Addictives On Growth Performance In Animals
37. Isolation Of Rhizobacterium With Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacteria Functions
38. Study Of Growth-promoting And Reproductive Endocrine Effect And General Toxicity Of Medicated Premix Kuianchun On Animal Body
39. The Making Of The Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Bio-fertilizer And Effects On Highland Barly
40. Effect On Cotton Resistant To Salt Stress Of Salt-relieving And Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria Strain
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