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Keyword [photochemical activity]
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1. The Relationship Between Arabidopsis Transcription Factor CBF1 And The Photoprotective Mechanism In Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill At Low Temperture Under Low Irradiance
2. Effects Of High Temperature Stress On Photochemical Activity Of PSâ…ˇ In Summer Scallion
3. Studies On The Mechanisms Of Enhanced Chilling Tolerance In Potato Transformed With AtCBF3 Gene
4. Effects Of High Temperature Stress On Photochemical Activity Of Psii In Tobacco Transformed With Cagpat Gene
5. The Response Mechanism Of Photosynthesis In Tomato Leaves To Low Night Temperature And Recovery
6. Anthocyanin In Leaves Of Spiraea On PSâ…ˇPhotochemical Activity And Their Difference Between Varieties
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