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Keyword [Paradigms]
Result: 21 - 29 | Page: 2 of 2
21. Paradigms and Syntagms of Ethnobotanical Practice in Pre-Hispanic Northwestern Honduras
22. Disaster-resistant New Urbanist communities: The merging of New Urbanist and Disaster-Resistant Community paradigms to create better communities
23. Wildlife conservation in Tanzania during the colonial and independence eras: A review of changing paradigms, legacies and lessons learned
24. A comparative analysis of privacy paradigms: The range of legal and social science conceptualizations
25. Paradigms of development: Implications for comparative and development administration
26. The bond cracked 'twixt man and woman: Paradigms of marital conflict in the biblical and homiletic drama of Tudor/Stuart England
27. Status versus content: Dysfunctional paradigms of the constitutional right to a free press based on a six-factor classification matrix in the American law of defamation
28. Paradigms in conflict: Economic theory in Catholic social teaching, 1891-1986
29. 'It Takes Time to Shift Historical Paradigms': Changes in Structure, Governance, Perception, and Practice During a Decade of Child Welfare Policy Reform in Florida
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