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Keyword [Accommodations]
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1. Slow Math Students In Senior High School: Causes & Accommodations
2. Research On The Academic Assessment Accommodations For The Students With Handicapped In The United States
3. Cultural accommodations in public schools: Weighing competing values
4. General education teachers' perceptions of accommodations for students with learning disabilities in inclusive secondary classrooms
5. Educational diagnosticians' perceptions on the link between CHC theory and recommendations of instructional interventions and accommodations
6. Differential eligibility for instructional support, educational modifications and accommodations as a factor of ethnicity in third, fourth and fifth grade students
7. The state of accommodations for fifth grade students with disabilities on the Virginia SOL reading, writing, and math tests
8. The relationship between instructional and assessment accommodations on student IEPs in a single urban school district
9. Virginia teachers' perceptions and knowledge of test accommodations for students with disabilities
10. Attribution theory and achievement: An analysis of the effect of effort, accommodation intrusiveness, and faculty-student interactions on the provision of accommodations for college students with learning disabilities (LD)
11. Reasonable accommodations in educational settings under ADA and Section 504: Guidelines and principles for educational administrators
12. Effect of extended time testing accommodations on grade point averages of college students with learning disabilities
13. Test Accommodations for English Language Learners Using the Student Language Assessment Plan
14. Teachers' perceptions of inclusion and their implementation of accommodations for students with disabilities in general education classrooms
15. Employers' uses of workplace reasonable accommodations for retaining employees with disabilities
16. Accessible technology and accommodations for postsecondary students with disabilities
17. Effects of a self-advocacy intervention on Latino male college students' ability to request academic accommodations
18. Defining Reasonable Accommodations in Higher Education for Adult Students with Disabilities
19. The relationships between specific learning disability attributes and written language: A study of the performance of learning disabled high school subjects completing the TOWL-3
20. Teacher attitudes toward the use of accommodations in the classroom and on standardized tests
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