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Keyword [career indecision]
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1. The Effect Of Family Factors On Career Decision Self-efficacy And Career Indecision Of College Students
2. Career Indecision For Graduate Students
3. The Study Of Career Indecision For High School Students In China
4. A Correlation Study On Perfectionism, Career Decision-making Self-efficacy And Career Indecision In College Students
5. The Impact Factors Of Career Indecision Among College Graduating Students
6. The Comparing Of Different Anxiety Type College Graduates’Career Indecision And The Relationship Between Self-efficacy And Career Decision-making
7. The Correlation Of College Students’ Career Indecision, Perfectionism And Procrastination
8. Research Of The Relationship Between Family Function,Organizational Attribution Style And Career Indecision Of Graduate Students
9. The relation of personal-emotional factors to career indecision
10. The nexus among career decision self-efficacy, parental relationship factors, and career indecision among college students from different ethnic and racial groups
11. A study of the relationship between assertive parenting styles and career indecision in college students
12. The impact of cooperative education participation on career indecision, career decision-making self-efficacy and career decision-making style among college students
13. The role of dispositional mindfulness on occupational engagement and emotional career indecision among college students
14. Subtypes of career indecision and their relation to career planning courses
15. The effects of a career planning and decision-making course on career indecision and self-concept
16. Effects of a career planning correspondence course on the career indecision of high school students
17. The Impact Of Future Time Perspective And Career Exploration On Junior High School Students’ Career Indecision And The Intervention Research
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