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Securities Market Individual Investment Strategies And Investment Behaviors Research

Posted on:2014-07-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J TangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China’s securities market has made great progress after more than20years. The individual investors accounted for a large proportion in China. There exists important theory significance and practice value to study personal investment strategies and investment behaviors for the prosperity of China’s securities market and the protection of individual investors’ interest.First of all, this paper provides an overview of modern financial theory, behavioral finance theory, investment theory and other related theories. With the basis of individual investors’ psychological and behavioral characteristics of Chinese stock market, the paper summarizes the individual investment strategies. The individual investment strategis include momentum strategies, contrarian investment strategy, strategy, strategy of small-cap stocks, average cost, time spread strategy, ST stock investment strategy, Portfolio investment strategy and the buying and holding strategy. Then, the paper use evidence from Shanghai stock market, analyzing the herding behavior of individual investors. The study shows that there are herding behavior in a period of rising or falling period, but Herd behavior in stock market fell more sharp than other period. The factors of influencing individual investors’ herd behavior include:individual investor psychology, individual investor sentiment, individual investors behavior bias and investors in securities market structure, information disclosure, policy intervention, etc. Finally, the paper analyzes the individual investors’ behavior with the study data, and there are many deviations in individual investors, such as herd mentality, loss aversion, overconfidence, excessive fear, policy dependence psychological, rich psychological, banker plot, etc. The interactions of these factors resulted in overreacting in making decisions, which aggravates the concussion of China’s securities market in some extent.
Keywords/Search Tags:Securities Market, Individual Investor, Investment Strategy, Behavior of Investor, Herd Behavior
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