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Impacts Of Brand Personality On Brand Loyalty

Posted on:2015-06-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W N S i v a r a j a h R a j Full Text:PDF
GTID:1109330428466101Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This study considered brand personality as the important component for marketers to determine the loyalty of customers. The prime objective of this study is to find out the impact of brand personality on loyalty. One of the sub objectives of this study is to test the brand personality’s impacts on brand trust, brand affect and brand attachment, and second is to explore possible mediating effect of brand trust, brand affect and brand attachment on the relationship between brand personality and brand loyalty. Extensive review of literature were conducted to define and understand the brand personality, brand trust, brand affect, brand attachment and brand loyalty which are included as important variables in this study. Further, this research conceptualized and investigated the relationships among brand personality and brand trust, brand affect, brand attachment and brand loyalty. Prior research into personality theory and consumer behaviour theories were used as the basis of this study and to construct model for hypotheses and analysis. Conceptual model consists brand personality as independent variable, brand trust, brand affect and brand attachment as mediating variables and brand loyalty as dependent variable. For the purpose of this study, a self administered questionnaire including reliable measures of key variables was developed based on the literature and reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed.340respondents were participated in the survey from motorbike users in Sri Lanka. Correlation and hierarchical regression analysis were used to test the hypotheses. In addition, the mediating effect of the variables tested with the process tool in SPSS to confirm these effects. The study found that brand personality significantly impacts on brand trust, brand personality significantly impacts on brand affect, and brand personality significantly impact on brand loyalty. In addition, brand trust significantly impacts on brand loyalty, brand affect significantly impacts on brand loyalty, brand attachment significantly impact on brand loyalty. Furthermore, the brand trust mediated the relationship between brand personality and brand loyalty, brand affect mediated the relationship between brand personality and brand loyalty, and brand attachment mediated the relationship between brand personality and brand loyalty. In the competitive world survival of the business completely depends on the customer satisfaction and their loyalty towards product and services. A strong brand could lead to different marketing advantages and enhances firms’ competitive strength. A strong brand commonly refers to a brand having positive equity to the extent that consumers respond more favorably to marketing activities when the brand is identified with its personality, compared to when it is not. Consumers’ personal identification with a brand is the ultimate differential response to strong brands, leading to specific brand relationship through brand trust, brand affect and brand attachment, and consumers’active engagement in brand loyalty. The implications of the study were considered from the researchers’point of view and managers’point of view. A number of possible strategies for researchers, policy makers and practitioners were discussed. Several potential future research opportunities discussed and suggested.
Keywords/Search Tags:Brand personality, brand trust, brand affect, brand attachment, and brandloyalty
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