Since the 18th National Congress of CPC, to set up an innovative country to facilitate our nation’s development has become the important strategy and political policy of both the nation and the Communist Party of China. Innovation has the practical significance for the realization of Chinese dream. Enterprises, which are the main forces in the nation’s innovative system, undertake an important task and mission. Although each year companies invest a lot of money on the product innovation, but the success rate of innovation is not high, even in mature market like United States, new product development success rate is only about 16%. This is mainly due to there is a significant difference of the understanding of innovation between marketers and consumers(Calantoneç‰,2006).Innovation is one of the most important topics in management research. However, previous research studied innovation mainly from a firm perspective, which study the influence of type of innovation(Robertå’ŒVeryzer,1998), innovation ability(Guan, 2003), organization form of innovation(Tsai,2001) on enterprise performance, ignoring consumers’ subjective perceptions and judgments towards firm and product innovation. Perceived product innovativeness emphasizes to study the product or service innovation from a consumer perspective. Different from innovation research from a firm perspective, it treats customers as the main body innovation assessment, requiring to examin product or service innovativeness from the consumer perspective. It created a new perspective of innovation research, which is the ’third path’ for innovation research from consumer perspective besides consumers as innovators and consumer innovativeness. It is also a hot issue in the field of western innovation research in recent years.Based on the comprehensive review of the domestic and foreign research of perceived product innovativeness, we found the effect of perceived product innovativeness is scarce. In the research of the effects of perceived product innovativeness, the researches of relationship of perceived product innovativeness and consumer behavior are rare. The research focus on direct impact perceived product innovativeness on consumer behavior, few studies focus on the influential mechanism of perceived product innovativeness on consumer behavior. In addition, the existing research concentrate on the influence of perceived product innovativeness on consumer attitudes and behavior, but the research of the influential mechanism of perceived product innovativeness on brand are rare. Aiming at the shortcomings of the existing research, this thesis puts forward two research questions in the following:(1) This thesis will analysis the influential mechanism of perceived product innovativeness on new product purchase intention from the perspective of consumer behavior; (2) This thesis will analysis the influential mechanism of perceived product innovativeness on brand equity from the perspective of brand.According to the aim and content of research, this thesis constructs two conceptive model on the basis of existing research and using the theory of Information Economics, Cognitive Psychology, Communication and Marketing. In order to simulate the situation of buying and choosing the new product, this article mainly uses the experimental method to collect data. Taking technology products for example and aiming at 212 valid samples, the thesis collected a total of 1826 questionnaires and 1585 valid questionnaires were acquired. On the data analysis, the thesis adopt SPSS 19.0 and Lisrel8.7 statistical software, using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, multiple regression analysis and structural equation model to test the theoretical hypothesis. Finally, the thesis proposes the management advice for promoting the new product development performance and enhancing the brand assets on the basis of conclusion.The innovations of this thesis come as follows:(1) This thesis reveals the influential mechanism of perceived product innovativeness on new product purchase intention from the perspective of consumer behavior. Previous studies mainly inspect the influence of perceived product innovativeness on consumer behavior from a single dimension. But perceived product innovativeness is a complex multidimensional concept. Previous studies cannot fully reveal the complex relationship between perceived product innovativeness and new product purchase intention, which is not enough to raise the effective practical advice. The thesis analysis from different dimensions, introducing mediate and moderate variables, which has clarified the relationship between perceived product innovativeness and new product purchase intention, and also can proposes more practical significance advice.(2) This thesis reveals the influential mechanism of perceived product innovativeness on brand equity from the perspective of brand. At present, very few existing research have explored the influence perceived product innovativeness on brand, and there are few scholars to discuss the relationship between innovation and brand equity in the study of influential factors of brand equity. This thesis make up for the inadequacy of the research. It also provides a new path for tech enterprises for promoting customer based brand equity.(3) The discussion of consumer innovativeness. Most of existing research regards consumer innovativeness as a important variable to affect the diffusion of new product. This thesis explore the relationship between perceived product innovativeness and brand equity, introducing consumer innovativeness as moderate variables, which has been clear about the consumer with high innovativeness in the role of brand management, and enrich the existing research. |