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Study On Commodity Rate Performance And Risk Controlfor Traditional Agriculture Transformation

Posted on:2016-07-27Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1109330503952333Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Thesis is study on the commodity rateperformance and risk control for traditional agricultural reform. The agricultural development theory, commodity rate performance theory and risk control theory are served as the base in this paper to construct the theoretical framework of commodity rate performance and risk control for traditional agricultural transformation, establish the agricultural production function and commodity rate function of agricultural products, analyze the formation mechanism on commodity rate of agricultural products, commodity rate performance of agricultural products and risk control for commodity rate of agricultural products, establish the commodity rate performance and risk assessment principle for traditional agricultural transformation, establish the assessment principle on commodity rate performance and risk control for traditional agricultural transformation, develop the empirical analysis on commodity rate performance of traditional agricultural transformation, commodity rate performance risk and finance service control of traditional agricultural transformation and put forward the suggestions for mechanism and mode of commodity rate performance risk control for traditional agricultural transformation. The obtained conclusion and specific policy suggestions via study are as follows:①Study Conclusion1) Marketable farm produce to improve the farmers ’ per capita income growth has significant positive effects. Traditional family-run agricultural farmers are self-sufficient or self-sufficient agricultural production and operation mode, not rich but less efficient commercialization, large-scale specialized transforming traditional agriculture farmers ’ household in order to increase the agricultural productivity of peasant families, increasing farmers ’ families are available for trading of agricultural products, improve the efficiency of agricultural commodity trading, increasing farmers ’ household income. The empirical analysis shows that, peasant family agricultural commodity rate increase to farmers ’ household income growth, relatively high commodity rate of area farmers ’ household income growth is relatively fast.2) Agricultural commodity rate and performance improve is slow and regional differences. Marketable farm produce and its performance by peasant families, agricultural risk-bearing capacity, input availability, market access, timeliness and accuracy, to participate in market competition ability, geographic differences in topography and the influence of factors such as economic and social system. According to the investigation found, the household registration system constraints, social security is not perfect, the inadequate role of agricultural insurance, fiscal incentives to deviate from, making it difficult for land scale management to achieve, regional agricultural industrial structure convergence, interactive regional differences and regional agricultural market and farmers market the ability of reason, caused agricultural commodity and regional differences and improve the performance of the slow.3) 2009 become the turning point of decline in agricultural commodity, commodity rate declined, farmers ’ income is on the rise. After years a "land + technology" as the main form of specialized large-scale agricultural reform, marketable farm produce and the peasant family farming business income was growing. But empirical study found that, beginning in 2009 marketable farm produce of the farmer family declined, farmers ’ income increased, Reason: Supply the main source of growth is the main agricultural enterprise management outputs, peasant family farming operation more likely to ensure that their spending; The farmer family members more migrant workers and non-farm income, constitutes the main source of farmers ’ household income.4) In the improvement process of commodity rate for agricultural products during traditional agricultural transformation, the risk that the selling of agricultural products is difficult so as to weaken peasants’ income exists. After the commodity rate for agricultural products is improved, due to market price risk and market channel risk, the trading efficiency of agricultural products is low, some agricultural products can’t be sold even. Market prices of agricultural products have a significant positive impact on agricultural commodity performance. Agricultural production and marketing agricultural products market is a decisive factor in agricultural commodity prices, agricultural commodity rate of performance improvement. Commodity rate of natural disasters on agricultural products have a very significant negative impact performance. The new technology adopted to promote performance improvement of agricultural products commodity, and with great effect.Towns system has a significant positive impact on agricultural commodity. Appropriate institutional policies, encouraging agricultural commodity performance, improper system policies, reduce agricultural commodity rate performance.5) The finance and coordination service helps to improve the commodity rate of agricultural products and effectively control the commodity rate risk of agricultural products.Traditional agricultural reform require macro-control and financial support, the study proves that fiscal and monetary response to this can effectively control commodity performance risk of agricultural reform, improved agricultural commodity and its performance.Financial services to the agricultural reform of agricultural commodity rate performance and its risk control had a positive effect, with the passage of time, decreases agricultural loans marketable farm produce positive effects in performance enhancement and risk control, close relationship and mutual influence; agricultural insurance on agricultural commodity rate performance and risk control of significant effects, effects over time increases.②Study important views1) Traditional agricultural transformation is China agricultural modern process in the faced of long-term major task, commodity production and market mechanism is transformation traditional agricultural achieved agricultural modern of important way, commodity production exists uncertainty risk, agricultural commodity production scale more big commodity rate more high, agricultural producers will bear more big risk, how both constantly improve agricultural scale and commodity rate, increased social effective of agricultural supply, and effective control business risk, ensure agricultural business subject commodity rate performance upgrade and income stable increased, Theory and practice is an important issue.2) Agricultural development in rural China the most urgent and most difficult question is: who’s going to land in the future, who to swine, who live in rural areas? According to local conditions to cultivate moderate scale family farms as the core of the new subjects of agricultural management, in an orderly way to realize the agricultural modernization of traditional agriculture is the basis for improving the performance of the agricultural commodity. Family farms, farmers, professional, technical scientific and business marketing and management modernization is effective against the risk of agricultural reform in rangeland performance key.3) Tradtional agricultural reform is a long and complex historical process. Marketization of agricultural reform is the core to speed up commercialization of agriculture, improve agricultural commodity performance, to increase the effective supply of agricultural products and farmers ’ incomes. Realization of agricultural reform in various forms, choose a different path should be adapted to local conditions in various regions.4) Lagging of traditional agricultural reform is the root cause to obstacle to economic social coordinated development between urban and rural areas, is the new four modernizations coordination of simultaneous development of agriculture short Board, is a short rural well-off society and accelerate the process of agricultural reform without delay. Adhere to the principle of local conditions and speed up the "high degree of distinctive features, competitive, market-oriented" agricultural industrialization, and effectively guard against risks of agricultural production, raise agricultural commodity rate performance is to promote "small renovation--new agricultural management main body--the beautiful village" orderly conversion of best way.③Policy Suggestions1) Speed up the commercialization of traditional agricultural marketization reform promoting marketable farm produce performance. First,the improvement and establishment of mechanism and model of agricultural reform in rangeland performance. Speed up change Government for legal type service type efficiency type Government, implementation farmers participation of democratic science of intervention mechanism and mode; established sound agricultural market trading mechanism and mode; sound system policy of induced mechanism; perfect industry interactive mechanism and mode; according to around situation implementation agricultural industry structure adjustment and more level of financial financial service system, formed regional advantage industry and food planting, and meat egg production of coordination development. Second, the region choose a different agricultural reform in rangeland should be adapted to local conditions and performance of the implementation path. According to geographical terrain develop characteristic industries; the development of different forms of agriculture; different large scale management different insurance systems. Thirdly,accelerating the development of the regional characteristic industry. Careful analysis of the comparative advantages of the region, explore the characteristic industry development support for optimizing the environment for industrial development, create characteristic industry development Foundation innovation of characteristic industry development mode, enhance the competitiveness of the regional characteristic industry; implement the strategy of leading enterprises, and step up publicity and promotion, enhance the social influence of the industry. Finally, speed up the establishment of a sound mechanism for promoting the growth and development of new subjects of agricultural management. Development of family farms fully attract social capital investment in agriculture lead migrant workers return home business to run the family farm, build professional farmers to cultivate strategic.2)Speed up the establishment of a fair and effective moderate competition and price formation mechanism. First, the Government should set up a sound system maintaining fair trade of agricultural products market. Speeding up legislation on fair trade of agricultural products, including antitrust and anti-unfair competition in agricultural markets legislation, agricultural protection and brand protection legislation, agricultural quality standards legislation, illegal the legal responsibilities, modifying the legal system not suitable for market pricing mechanisms and policies, increasing agricultural law enforcement. Expand the scope of enforcement, raise the level of law enforcement; improve agricultural product quality control system. Establish the quality and technical standards establish agricultural product recall system according to preferential policies for establishing agricultural product quality system of rewards and punishments. Second, the Government should speed up the establishment of the global free market of agricultural products circulation mechanism. Promoting global market and regional single market, the establishment of complementary agricultural industry market, promoting free trade in the international market; speed up the establishment of a national scope within the circulation, storage and transportation of large distribution networks; speed up the establishment of market information collection delivery mechanism. Third, foster agricultural market management main body in enterprise. Legal system allows families or sole proprietorship or partnership, unincorporated organization encourages and supports the creation of agricultural associations; strengthening agriculture as the main business of education and training. Finally, encourages innovation in agricultural trade. Advance order or contract transactions; the implementation of agricultural auction; speed up the futures trading; networking business model. Finally, establish market prices for agricultural commodities, government intervention, supplemented by the price adjustment mechanism. Government should establish minimum production of major agricultural products such as grain, pig market price, reserve price.3)Establish a sound risk control mechanisms to cope with natural disasters to ensure marketable farm produce performance. First, establish a diversified investment main collaborative system. Establish a Government-oriented, social and agricultural infrastructure construction and maintenance system of the main inputs, supplemented by; increase flood control, storm water drainage, drought resistance, cold storage, warehousing, communications, telecommunications and other infrastructure. Second, establishing and perfecting the agricultural insurance systems. Established mainly to Government policy insurance, business insurance to complement, encourage agricultural mutual insurance system; establishment of a multitype-insurance systems; expanding the scope of agricultural insurance; expanded financial subsidies for insurance. Third, the establishment of sound weather broadcast system. Climate history database, set up perfect weather dissemination systems. Finally, establishing and perfecting the benign food production system. Division of food rations and grain established rations reserve dynamic information systems reasonably dynamic State rations reserve price mechanism in place.4) Building enhance the performance of marketable farm produce long term mechanism for technology research and development. First of all, establish and improve the mechanism of agricultural technology research and development and extension. A is to financial service support established agricultural based technology of public research institutions and research, and agricultural technology promotion universal system, and encourages agricultural sector established internal of technology development system; II is established to financial, and tax offers, and interest rate, and Exchange subsidies, economic means support private sector participation agricultural technology innovation research development, absorption into abroad advanced agricultural technology; three is to legal means protection agricultural technology innovation; four is sound agricultural technology market, established agricultural technology transfer platform; five is development agricultural technology venture board, Finance for agricultural science and technology innovation and environmental support non-public research institutions should be established system of agricultural science and technology innovation award; seven is to increase investment in education, develop agricultural science and technology innovation talent, corporate staff with highly specialized knowledge and the popularization of agricultural technology experts. Secondly, the ecological agriculture developed. One is the establishment of circular economy demonstration base, technology spillovers; the second is established lead conversion mechanism of crop by-products; three is to increase financial support for eco-cycle training and technology and the promotion of agricultural production. Thirdly, the the bio-economy developed. First, we must establish a sound development bioeconomy funding system; to establish mechanism for financial support for agricultural research and breeding of new varieties. Third, we must establish financial services conversion and utilization technology of agricultural products development and promotion mechanisms. Finally, improvethe agriculturalproducts quality supervision system. First, establish the quality and technical standards; the second is to establish agricultural product recall system; the third is the reward and punishment system for preferential policies for establishing agricultural product quality.5) Adjusting agricultural entities promoting marketable farm produce performance incentive. First, accelerate the reform of the household registration system. Based on the farmers’ wishes, work and income combined with town transfer standard. Second, establish a sound social security system. Establishing residence or place of work for the enjoyment of social security; established the Hukou system of transfer of social cohesion; implementation of the social old-age insurance for farmers full coverage, improved social old-age insurance pensions; implementing medical insurance coverage improve insurance reimbursement rates established unemployment insurance system for farmers; establishing the industrial injury insurance system; establishment of rural women’s system of maternity insurance. Third, improve the contractual operation right of rural land rights. Establishment of contractual operation right of rural land inheritance established subsistence and commercial farming land management mode of the combination of established farmland fallow system. Finally, establish and perfect the system of peasants ’ rights and interests protection. Land compensation system; improve farmers ’ property rights mechanism; the farmers ’ right to participatory development, changing the functions of the rural collective economic organization. Finally, improving farmers ’ specialized cooperative economic organization of internal governance and regulation. Accelerate the improvement of farmers ’ legitimate rights and interests of the members of the relief system, expansion of democratic supervision, strengthen protection of information it knows right farmer members to accelerate the implementation of human resources support, raise farmers ’ awareness of their rights.6) Speed up the adjustment of sound agricultural commodity rate of performance improvement in fiscal and monetary policy. One is to adjust the sound system of financial services policy. Change financial service of into policy, integration agricultural poverty, and grants, and subsidies, funds, incentive agricultural technology development and using, incentive farmers venture input; sound tax adjustment policy, meet personal health of agricultural new quality standard of income relief tax, to agricultural production provides credit insurance service funds part of returns relief tax, to agricultural investment of enterprise get returns for again investment of part relief tax, agricultural high-tech company Enterprise relief tax, agricultural entrepreneurs implemented integrated personal income tax system. Second, sound system and improved financial services policy. Implementation new of agricultural credit mechanism, established interest rate free agreed mechanism, and flexible diverse of credit guarantees mechanism, and installment mechanism, and loan credit lines incentive mechanism, and majority common loan mechanism, and mutual loan mechanism; implementation new agricultural insurance mechanism, Government mainly market supplement of agricultural insurance mechanism, and UNPROFOR incentive mechanism, and mutual insurance mechanism, statutory and voluntary insurance phase combined of mechanism; implementation agricultural organization public raised funds mechanism. Third, establish a sound upgrade marketable farm produce performance evaluation system for the supervision of financial services. Establish financial services supervision and evaluation. Establish financial service performance evaluation system, establish and improve the system of financial information, establish audit system, a clear supervisory body, responsibilities, time; establishment of evaluation system of agricultural land use. Evaluation of agricultural supply and consumption balance during fallow agricultural performance assurance system; improve the farmers ’ living conditions have improved evaluation of agricultural production system and improved evaluation of the conditions for agricultural production, improvement of farmers ’ living conditions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Traditional Agricultural Transformation, Commodity Rate Performance of Agricultural Products, Commodity rate performance risk, Risk Control Mechanism
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