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Guanzi's Economic Ethic Thoughts

Posted on:2007-08-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C TangFull Text:PDF
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Among the abundant ancient Chinese classical works, Guanzi is a great book that talks more about economic, and there are also a lot of economic ethic thoughts in its economic theories. The main purpose of this dissertation is to discover Guanzi economics ethic thoughts' true and essential content. In order to expound it correctly and thoroughly, I use ethical method and ethical thinking to find and reveal the moral rules and moral laws of Guanzi's economic ethic thoughts which root in its social economic and social life firstly. Following it, I try to find the social and economical basis of Guanzi's economic ethic thoughts through using the method of historical analysis and logical analysis. At last, by using the method of political analysis and theoretical analysis I want to find the class basis and character of Guanzi's economic ethic thoughts.Guanzi's economic ethic thought has its own philosophy, politic, economic, and culture foundations. Guanzi's production ethic thoughts stress the harmonious interaction and unification between interest and justice, thus such ideas should be used to guide and control people economic action. And it also takes the utilitarianism as its primary orientation and proposes that morality should be a kind of rectification to economics at the same time. Guanzi's thoughts of production ethics also emphasize the importance of agriculture in social economy and social development, and pay more attention on agricultural, and as well regard agriculture as the ultimate part of national economy. At the same time, Guanzi's production ethic thoughts also care more about the interest of the peasants, and take the richness of peasant as the main way to increase the state power.Guanzi's exchange ethic thoughts thinks that the action of economic exchanging is very important for people's living and the state's mightiness, it also thinks that commerce has its own economic value and moral rationality. At the same time, Guanzi thinks that the businessman is an important part of national population, their motive of pursuing interest is acceptable, but in their economic performance they cannot abolish or sway out of the direction and controlling of morality. In the process of their exchanging the businessman must be honest and fair, and cannot cheat or swindle at any time.Guanzi's distribution ethic thoughts analysis the cause why there is a big disparity between the poverty and the rich. at the first . Guanzi's distribution ethic thoughts mainly deal with the problem how to distribute nature resource, social resource and work production correctly, according to this problem Guanzi put forward the economic ethic thoughts of distribute earth and ground averagely, and distributing social place according to people moral standard. In its distribution ethic thoughts, Guanzi requires that the distribution of goods must according to or harmony with people's social grade and social class. Guanzi's economic ethics also pay more attention to the reality of efficiency and justice in its economic ethic thoughts.Guanzi's consumption ethic thoughts take austerity as the main virtue, and take it as the dominant value direction of people's consumption. In a given condition, Guanzi also acknowledges the way of luxury has it's economical reason and moral value. But the way of austerity consumption and luxury consumption do not have the same status and importance in Guanzi's economic ethic thoughts. The way of austerity is the main and dominant thoughts, while the means of luxury is only the subordinate thoughts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guanzi, economic ethic thoughts, produce ethics, exchange ethics, distribution ethics, consumption ethics
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