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Research On Construction And Understanding Of Speech Acts In The Context Of Man And The World

Posted on:2009-06-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M ShangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360272463077Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Austin and Searle's'Speech act theory'focuses on the relationship between the utterances and the world, however, the emphasis upon the relationship between man and the world is insufficient. Construction and understanding of speech acts should be generated in the context of man and the world. When we produce our first utterance, we clarify our aim for the common agreement and mutual understanding, and reach the agreement within the framework of infinite communications between the interpreters on the basis of the interactive processes of complexity, thus discovering and reconstructing the new rule system and implementing the validity claims.Perlocutionary act is not a clear-cut act but a mental process: implicit (mental act) or explicit (act of behavior, verbal act). Mental path can be realized through perlocutionary act -locutionary act-illcutionary act-perlocutionary act ,while perlocutionary act works as an"interface"or"platform". Through the mental path, the functional dimensions of locutionary , illocutionary and perlocutionary acts, and the true meaning in the dynamic situations come into force.In regard to the form, the speech act theory is"trinity", while for the internal operations of it as mechanism, speech act theory is mentally processed in terms of"four as one", that is perlocutionary act-locutionry act-illocutionary act-perlocutionary act, their functions enforced by constitutive and generative force. The input and output of the amount of information and construction of the information structure are the processes of construction and understanding of speech acts in the dynamic situations. The research on speech act theory emphasizes not only the interpersonal relationship but the relationship between man and the world. The old method of applying one type of speech act to inferring another type of speech act is insufficient.Parameters in terms of speech acts activate relevant components in the component clusters, resulting in a new interpretation and definition of pragmatics ,which is a study of performative, historical, social, cultural, contrastive, developmental, valid and universal parameters, and their situational variables manifested in the process of language use by interlocuters who seek and find efficient and successful communicative strategies.The basic features of speech acts can be described as follows:(1) speech acts work as standards of mind;(2) the appropriate dimension of propositional attitude is the core of measurement of speech acts;(3) the characteristics of teleology, relevance and synthesis are integrated into"trinity"; (4) the tone of speech act is a basic unit;(5) the predictability of perlocutionary act functions as the means of construction of the overall process of the optimal understanding and interpretation.As far as the scope of behavior is concerned, speech acts, in terms of metonymy, are extended from the illocutionary scope of behavior into the perlocutionary scope of behavior; from cognitive schema to cultural model, with the ultimate aim of recursive mental construction and reconstruction process.An abduction research method is applied to carry away a possible deduction from the principle and effect, which is an effect-cause abduction. The predictability of perlocutionary act functions as means of construction of the overall process of the optimal understanding and interpretation, which forms hypotheses and new beliefs in the process of logical operations, and most importantly, the formation process of new knowledge. The process embodies not only a form of strict logical inference of rationality but also a form of natural instinct.The dissertation inspects the research carried out from the micro speech act theory to the macro speech act theory with a descriptive pragmatics research method which examines principle and experience of language use in the appropriate combination with the context. It focuses on meta-pragmatic competence of understanding the utterances with the specific intentions from the interlocuters in the particular context and in an appropriate and precise way, and places emphasis on the appropriate language use from experience and its organic combination with the particular context, which reveals the shift of methodology from static language research method to dynamic language research method which is applied for getting at the truth of meaning between the actual language and man in the world, which is of great significance to the dialogue between linguistics and the philosophy of language.
Keywords/Search Tags:validity claims, perlocutionary act, a process of mental behavior, parameter, component cluster, abduction, communicative strategies
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