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The Rise Of The Modern Fiction

Posted on:2011-02-09Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X G WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360305453892Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Literary activities as a special social phenomenon, which are but only a production behavior, but also a social ideology of the image appear. Social transformation as a major social activit, It has been changed in the way of material production,and it will also lead to profound changes in the field of literary production. Social transformation leads to not only literary material and technology to improve, but to reorganize the various ideological factors. Less control of the mainstream ideology, while increasing private ideology between the two will produce intense conflict, literature is the characterization of this conflict that is a reflection of this contradiction visualization. Late Qing Dynasty and Early Years of the Min was the great social transformation of Chinese society during the Western forces in the invasion and the parallel development of social production, China started from a farming society to a modern industrial society changes, Enlightment and save the country which was emerging ideological discourse, the Modern Fiction it is this new representatives of ideology, and it is involved in this change, and changes in the way of literary production.Marx first proposed and used "artistic production" concept and pointed out that includes not only the physical form of artistic production, but also includes the principle of the internal aesthetics of production. Western Marxist literary production is that the text for further production, but also the production of ideology, literay changes in production techniques from the literature to improve material and technical revolution and the common cause . From a traditional agricultural society to a modern industrial society in the Late Qing and Early Years of the Min period, Chinese literature has undergone rehabilitation for changes. From the Theory of Literary Production of view, Chinese literature from the traditional mode of production to the modern production process of change. The rise of the Modern Fiction is the realization of Chinese literature from the traditional mode of production directly to the promoter of modern production methods.The Modern Fiction is the rise trend of the times, representing a new literary mode of production, and it experienced a political fiction, social fiction, romantic novels of the development process flow. this changes also reflect the social character of the change process. Traditional literary production in the upper society, intellectuals wills and contained Road of the tools and literature itself is far away from real life, cutting off from the common people. the Modern Fiction the times, close to the community, close to the people, it is bound to become the mainstream. The Modern Fiction external conditions of production development of the city, the printing technology to enhance, expand public space, non-governmental newspapers and magazines appeared, contribution fee system established, professional writers produce, cultural market formation, the emergence of the public audience, etc., with the Modern Fiction production and the presence of the social environment and material security, the interaction of these factors created a new literary production mechanism. In 1902 that began producing a new novel, in the cultural market in the Modern Fiction has commercial value, commercial value is the relationship between consumers and producers balance, but also artistic value and social value of the relationship between the balance point, literature normal operation of the production mechanism is the value of positive interaction with three types of checks and balances. Writers and readers have achieved the transformation of modern identity.The Modern Fiction is the reproduction of aesthetic ideology, the new thrust of the novel is enlightening the people with distinct ideological nature of modern folk. Beyond Retro Utopian political novels, while in the grand narrative of national groups to achieve the intellectual imagination; social novel in the real world, while the negative art, deconstruction of the Officials as the concept of division of the millennium; science fiction in the strong political overtones of the collapse the spirit, the demon of the psychological archetype; Love Story is the life of the people of the flavoring agent, which also contains a variety of positive and negative elements. These constitute the Modern Fiction features of civil ideological discourse, but also constitute a complex literary scene.The Modern Fiction material production technology is advanced ideological characteristics. newspapers and magazines and the media space, the cultural market in the writers and readers, etc. are generated after the collapse of the feudal ideology, and the Modern Fiction's narrative technique is a non-governmental representatives ideological nature. Field in the middle of the Late Qing Dynasty literature, literary theory has a different sound, and has shown a pragmatic. And the new novel was accompanied by a Classical culture, which, while after the Revolution the transformation of cultural revolution, is still bound to decline. The Modern Fiction methods of production led directly to 54 the incidence of new literature, Modern Fiction and New literature of the Enlightenment shared between the tasks, methods and critical target of the criticism is different. The Modern Fiction focuses on the abstract the criticizing bureaucracy, the new literary criticism of the national character presents the image of a more mature manner. New skills and lyrical narrative literature and the new novel feature the same strain. In short, the Modern Fiction to create a modern literary production for the later development of a broad literary road.During the Period of the great social transformation in Chinese literature from the traditional mode of production to changes in modern production methods to achieve a change in the way of production of Chinese literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Late Qing Dynasty and Early Years of the Min, Modern Fiction, Production mode, Ideology, Civil discourse
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