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Research On Ethical Relationship In The Government's Public Service

Posted on:2011-04-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H YuanFull Text:PDF
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The government's public service is the main mode of the government to fulfill its constitutional obligations to citizens. Its nature determines that the government's public service is essentially an ethical activity. Therefore, it is also the leading and fundamental relationship among the government's various relationships with the society. The special character of the ethical relationship makes it the realistic base for the moral code of the government system for public service and its performances and also the source for value rationality of the power and legal system with which the public service system operates.As the ethical subject in the government's public services, the government organization is in various ethical relationships with the external environment and other governing subjects. Among these ethical relationships, the representative ones are that between the government and the civil society, that between the government and NGOs, and that between the government and the citizens.As a relatively autonomous area that is independent of the Government in modern society which is characterized by democracy, negotiation and participation, civil society is a social power that lies outside the government organization, but restricts and supervises the governmental power. In a pluralistic society, a vibrant civil society is a fundamental prerequisite for good public services by government. Therefore, the construction of an ethical relationship which is based on equality, interaction, communication and communication between the government and civil society, provides value guidance, and codes of conduct for the government's public service, so as to improve the government's public service by means of creating favorable conditions.In modern society, NGOs are one kind of social organizations to strive for public interests by means of voluntary action. Their organizational identity and ethical qualities make their advantages in the area of public services and thus plays an important role in complementing the government's role in providing public services. Moreover, the government must rely on NGOs'cooperation in providing public services, as it cannot alone meet the demands of the public which is increasingly more personalized and diversified. Accordingly, an ethical relationship which is mutually dependent and equally cooperative is conducive to achieving the goals of the government's public services.In a democratic system, the value of the government's public service orients to citizens. Because of their subjectivity, citizenship and civism, citizens are both the object of the government's public services, and the main body of the governance. Therefore, the government to recognize the citizens' subjectivity position, and formulate corresponding policies to support them. Meanwhile, the citizens actively participate in public affairs and cooperate with the government to promote the realization of the goals for the government's public services.At present, the contradiction between the supply of and the demand for the government's public services has become the major social contradictions in China where the alienation of ethical relationship is the fundamental cause of the contradiction. Because of the defects of the government's concept and system of governance, the government stubbornly sticks to the mode of the government as the only provider of public services, and has paid inadequate attention to the important role of civil society, NGOs and citizens in providing public services. This situation has overburdened the government in providing public services. In order to shake off this predicament, it is necessary to reform the system, to change their concepts, and actively structure reasonable ethical relationship between the government and the civil society, NGOs and citizens to provide the ethical basis and moral support for better public services.
Keywords/Search Tags:government's public service, ethical relationship, equality, cooperation, optimization
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