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The Formation Of The Soviet Model, Rigid And Its Lessons

Posted on:2001-11-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Z ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360002951510Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
World socialist movement underwent a historical process of undulating, tortuous development in the 20th C. , in which success or failure, prospects or predicament, gain or loss, all are closely related to the rise and decline of the socialist construction and the model of Soviet Union. This model is the concret form of socialist practice of the Party and people of Soviet Union on a special condition. It's history of success and failure ,gain and loss, has accu- mulated matchless experiences, both positive and negative, which are all precious treasure of the world socialist movement. At the turn of the centu- ry, this thesis attempts, under the direction of the fundamentals of Marx- ism, from the point of viow of Deng Xiao-ting Theory, and by applying the scientific approach of dialectical materialism and historical materialism to give a factual and relatively comprehensive examination of the history of the socialist model of Soviet Union, specifically its contradictions as well as its experienced and lessons of becoming rigid. While scrutinicing its history, special efftot is made not just to describe it, nor just to give theoretical rea- soning without taking history into consideration; while revealing contradic- tions, experiences and lessons, not only clarify all facts, but also also make a synthethized study and analysis, namely, adhering to the principle of tak- ing history evidences, argumentation as the grimary, and making the history and argumentation combined. This thesis consists of four parts as follows: The first part gives an analysis of the embryonic stage of the socialist model of Soviet Union. During the seven years from the victory of October Revolution until Lenin's death, in the process of exploring Russian social- ism, Bolshevik Parly once had had two different trains of thonght, and two different attempts. After Lenin's death, Russian internal and external situa- tion became extraordinarily complicated. There existed obvious problems or contradictions in its economy, ruch as those be agriculture and industry, be- twen the stale unified planning and market requlation. And in political af- fairs the structural building of the Soviet state power began to drift off the course by Lenin, and there emerged a tendency of further centralization. In- ternationally, there were both the military pressure from the imperialist countries and economical and technological pressure from the main Western capitalist countries. Confronted with complicated internal situation and great external pressure, the Soviet Communist Party led by Stalin was eaqer to build socialism, and revived the thinking or artime communism on how to transform peasants and small peasant economy, how to build socialist model, how to wipe ont classes, how to eliminate countries, and whether socialism can be built within a single country. The anthor holds that while studying how the model of Soviet Union came into existence, there shonld no neglect of the historical connection of this model between its embry in the 1920s ties and its taking shape in the 1930s. The second part probes into the road leading to rapid social change and bringing about the final shape of the structural model of Soviet socialist e- conomy, politics and ideology, and the particular situation and condition re- sulte...
Keywords/Search Tags:Formation
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