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On Land Use Regulation Institution

Posted on:2001-01-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L G ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360002952509Subject:Land Resource Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Land as nature resource and social assets is the basic carrier and production materials for people survive and pre-ondition and material basis for human so- ciety. The basic condition of China is characteristic by large population, less land and less enough cultivated land. It is very necessary for economy and society sus- tainable development by improving land management, protecting cultivated land, optimal allocation land resource and increasing using efficiency of land. This research bases on the basic theory and institutions of land use regulation and generalized, analyzes and summarizes the basic scope, factor, experience from aboard, theory basis, purposes, issues and possibility etc. of land use regula- tion. On basis of this, institution of land use regulation is designed. Some policy recommendations are given for setting and making institution of land use regula- tion perfect. Finally, empirical study was conducted setting Jiangyin City of Jiangsu province as a case study area. In the first chapter, research topics are given in introduction and back- ground of this research, research states, research methodology, research thread and structure, innovation and shortcoming and etc. are also stated. It was em- phasized in this chapter that it is very necessary to implement land use regulation in China to eliminate externalities, market allocation failure and guarantee land use for public purposes and sustainable land use. In the second, current land use states are analyzed. The basic situation of land resource and characters of current land use were introduced. The issues fac- ing in current land use are pointed Out which including contradict of land supply and demand, low efficiency land use, low production level, land degradation, cultivated land decreasing and etc. Trend of demand and supply of cultivated land is analyses. In the third, imPlication Of land use regulation was exPOnd through regula-tion analysis. The purPOSes of regulation are to compensate conSequences causedby Met failure and to increase using and allocation efficiency and protect puhlic welfare from affecting. Land use regtilation is methods of adrinistration,technolOgy, law taking by government to rnanage and control shift of Iand use,default caused by rnarket failure and guarantee rational and sustainable land use.In the fourth chapter studies the basic theories of land use regUlation. QPti-mal allocation of land depends on basic function and characters of land resource.Land resource allocation includes interval, regional allocation and among indus--tries. Theory of intensive land use and scale land use, human--land cooPerationand development, ecolOgical economy and ecological econondc rnanagement, sus--tainable develoPrnent and sustainable land use are iUustrated, reSPeCtively. Landuse regulation is on basis of these theories and these theories can be used for implementation and making land use regulation Perfect.In the fifth chapter, land use regulation in aboard is intreduced. Throughintreduction and analysis of exPerience from the U. S., Canda, Japan, andTaiwan area of land use regulation, rnain characters of land use regulation andimplication for us are exPOed. Land use regUlation should be the core institutionin land rnanaemnt in China and based on bod use Plandng. Valld land useregulation must be baSed on corresponding land rnanagernnt systern and comprehensive guarantee system of law. In the sixth chapter, factors affecting land useregulation were analyzed. POPulation grOwth is the basic factor affeCting landuse. ConsUmPtion level and pattern not oaly influenced quantity of land demand,but also structure of land suPPy, which means demand to differet purPOses O...
Keywords/Search Tags:Land use regulation, Land use district, Land propertyrights, Sustainable land use administration, Jiangyin City
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