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Stability In South-eastern Europe And The New Regionalism

Posted on:2003-12-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360065462080Subject:International political science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The title of my thesis is be Stabilhation Of Southeast EurOPe and the NewRegionalismthe Source of Condict after the Cold Wh and the Establisboent of SecurityRegAne ".At the last ten yCars of 20tli century condicts and wars took place in Southeast EurOpe. Whnthe new century has come, condicts in Southeast EuroPe have stoPped, bu the roOt of conflictstill remins. From the historic point of view conflicts in Southeast Europe almp extended tothe whole EUrpe. So, how to make Southeast Europe stable is the key issue of Europe.At the l0th of June in l999, an internaional conference on Balbo issue was held inColOgne under thC ndttalive of the EU. Foreign Ministers Of most west EUropean countries,RUssia and Balhan countries attended the cochrence. The Stability fuct of SOUthast EurOpewhich had raised at thC cochrence aPproved at the afterWars Sararevo stnnmit cochrence. Itsstallding is to mde SEE peace through reqional integrity tha wunin the EU haInewofk, the SEEcould be stable in politics, prosperous in economy and safe in the whole reqion.The main issue of my thesis is to discuss the fuct throUgh theoretic and realistic point OfvlewThe firSt chaPter deals with the history of conflicts that hav been takCn place in the Balboreqion(ie. The Southeast Europe--SEE). From the analyzing, one can see tha the Balha wasnot fieder keg" in history it is the result of struggling of great powers, as well as boerinlmvaslon.It is necessare to discuss allout the evolvement and characteristic Of naionalism and edriccondicts, as to explore the root of ethnic conflicts that occured rePeatedly in SEE. One can theout from the atysis Of this chapter that the main reason Of edric confiicts are still political,economical, culed, historical aspects.I put the third Chapter to the analysis of internaiohal intervention. the chaPtr intellds tointroduce some concopts, theoretical points, mny years' intervention in SEE and the bed, thecontent Of the fort.In the fond chaptef, I try to introduce the evolution of the new reqioDalism which is thebasis Of the Stability fuct of SEE, and the manifestation Of the new reqionalism in the Stabilityfort or Sus.The fifth chaPter will tak uP the problems Of twlementaion of the Stability ha of theSEE and future Of the SEE.At the conclusion, I mde some points of my own. First, the break uP of condicts in SEEafter the Cold War has eAner historical elements or the now global environment. Second, themain expression of coIiflicts in SEE is pent-uP ethnic confiicts yCars after years. The source ofconflict depends on the great gaPs in economic and social development. Third, the peatpewrs haV plopd the key role in provoldng and ending wars. Fourth, the Stability fort of SEEwes a loDg-term plan Which put transformation inside and intervention ousthe tOgCtheL Fme,one Of the theoretical basis of the Stability fort of SEE is new reqionalism Which is comtw uPUllder the condition of globalhation and multiPolarhation. It has some valuable point of viewwhen explaining problems brought by globalhaion. Sixth, tlie idea represented in the bet onsolving edric coIiflicts which mny be a mp out fOr solving coflflicts all over the worid.
Keywords/Search Tags:South-eastern
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