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The Functions Of The Financial System, Structure And Economic Growth

Posted on:2004-06-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F YinFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, we first investigate the functions of financial system from the point of view of transaction cost theory. And then we discuss the different mechanisms by which market-oriented and bank-oriented financial system perform functions in situations of different transaction costs. In order to explain the 'stytlized facts' during three technology revolutions: leadership role in technology change always played by mareket-oriented system and leapfrogging phenomenon in lagging bank-oriented system, we develop a growth model in which financial system play pivotal role in using, diffusing and improving technology. In conclusion, the market-oriented system is good at dealing with different faith of heterogeneous agents when they are confonted with a new technology. In contrast, the comparing advandges of bank-oriented system are manifested in diffusing and improving technology.
Keywords/Search Tags:functions of the financial system, financial structure, economical growth
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