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Study On The Institution Of Leading Enterprise In Agricultural Industrialization

Posted on:2005-06-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360122988965Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the course of the Agricultural Industrialization, the Leading Enterprise is one of the main actors and it is full of vitality. As far as the Agricultural Industrialization is concerned, the power of the Leading Enterprise is weak and particularly the powerful Leading Enterprises are rare, therefore, the situation is awkward and serious. At the same time, the study on the Leading Enterprise is limited to the individual cases. The relationship between the Leading Enterprise and farmers is very important for the Agricultural Industrialization, but the deep and detailed analysis from the aspect of economics and management is inadequate and the systematic analysis of the relationship between the Leading Enterprise and farmers from the features of the Leading Enterprise Institution is in particular lacking. So the dissertation concentrates on the Leading Enterprise Institution and discusses the relationship between the Leading Enterprise and farmers from the aspects of Transaction Costs, Market Structure and Enterprise Institution.First, the dissertation distinguishes between division of the developing organizations and allocation of resources within the organizations. Then in the dissertation their functions and influences on the relationship between the Leading Enterprise (the main actor of the Agricultural Industrialization) and farmers are discussed respectively. It analyzes the relationship between the Leading Enterprise and farmers from the aspect of system. Last, the dissertation analyzes the reality of the development of the organization model of the Agricultural Industrialization in China to find out the essential of the relationship between the Leading Enterprise and farmers, draw the conclusions and offer some proposals.The dissertation analyzes the relationship between Leading Enterprise and farmers on the basis of division of labor, specialization, industrialization, and integration. It creates the mathematic model based on the supposed conditions, and deduces the economic springs of emergence and development of Leading Enterprise and establishes the logical and economic foundation of the relationship between Leading Enterprise and farmers. Finally, it arrives at the conclusion that Leading Enterprise is the necessary result of economic development and social division of labor in modern times.The dissertation analyzes from the aspects of market structure and transaction costs the influences of different market structures on the distribution of material benefits between Leading Enterprise (the main actor of the Agricultural Industrialization) and farmers. At the same time, it discusses the relationship between Leading Enterprise and farmers in different market structures. It respectively creates models of distribution of benefits between Leading Enterprise and farmers in the market structures of buyer's monopoly and oligopoly, successive monopoly and oligopoly. Through comparison and analysis, it reaches the following conclusion: different market structures and transaction costs are the main determinant in the distribution of benefits between Leading Enterprise and farmers and the major factors influencing the relationship between Leading Enterprise and farmers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrialization
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