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The Optimization Model Of Investment Portfolio For Multi-Conditions And Applications

Posted on:2005-12-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360122996917Subject:Operational Research and Cybernetics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This dissertation mostly studies the optimal model for finance risk under different case.The finance is the core of the modern economy. The finance industry is a special risk industry. This dissertation mostly studies the most important means-Investment Portfolio. The theory of modern securities investment portfolio is a very important theory study forward position all times. A very important decision was decided by Sweden emperor academy of sciences, Oct. 16,1990. It is to award the Nobel economics award to Harry M-Markowitz, Willian F-Sharpe and Merton Miller because of their great jobs. They research the company and finance market with the modern economy theory. The Nobel economics award in 1990 is a symbol and the theory of modem securities investment portfolio is ripeness. The whole dissertation consists of six chapters. The primary contents and harvests of research will be generalized as follows:The cause of formation and system character are introduced in the first chapter.The Markowitz investment portfolio model is introduced in the second chapter. How to establish and solve the investment portfolio model under manifold correlation is the key in this character. The distillation of Markowitz combination theory is to elicit the conclusion that the investments risks will be reduced if only the capital of the combination isn't positive correlative by mathematics transmit.The relation between short sale and investment portfolio is introduced in the third chapter. How to establish and solve the investment portfolio model under the condition of Short sale is researched.In the fourth chapter, the investment portfolio model under the indeterminacy environment is introduced .In the realistic securities business there are many indeterminacy factors such as politics factors, economy factors, society factors and international business factors. Because of these factors, the expected return and risk are provided with indeterminacy. The indeterminacy should be considering when investing.ABSTRACTIn the fifth chapter, the application of the investment portfolio model in education investment is researched. The education investment is a moment that affects the future currency and substance income by manpower resource. Because of many characteristics such as indirect nature , lag nature and protracted nature, the action to society economy isn't distinctness such as the other investment. So there are many problems aren't solved.Finally, a comprehensive summary is given and the development of various problems to be further studied is prospected in the six chapters.
Keywords/Search Tags:investment portfolio, finance, return, return rate, risk, system risk, non-system risk, positive correlation, negative correlation, short sale, short-squeezed, indeterminacy, gray model, fuzzy model, randomicity.
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