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Study Of E-money Legal Issues

Posted on:2006-08-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:A J LiFull Text:PDF
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As a new form of currency in the age of information technology, electronic currency is not invented by some inventors, nor does it come into being by chance. It is in fact the result of combination both of scientific-technologic development and monetary evolution, decided ether by the variability of monetary form or the invariability of monetary nature, concretely reflecting the form of currency in the society of information civilization. Contemporarily, electronic currencies in many countries increase in great quantity, and as a whole, electronic currency is getting more and more important status in currency circulation, which gives good reasons to the statement that electronic currency. I will be the main currency form in the future. Contrary to fast development of electronic currency's issue, circulation and usage, the legal study of electronic currency takes places only in few countries and still at its early stage, which may results in risks to electronic currency's issue, circulation and usage and may even cause legal problems for electronic currency circulation. This thesis is a study of legal aspects of electronic currency, aiming at undertaking a comparative research and providing a basic legal framework for electronic currency and electronic currency circulation. The thesis consist of five parts, they are the study of electronic currency theory, the study of electronic currency's nature and properties, the study of legal aspects of electronic currency, the study of legal risk of electronic currency and the study of legalization of electronic currency.The first chapter deals with basic theory of electronic currency and introduces current situation of contemporary monetary circulation system, explaining the importance of electronic currency circulation and necessity of electronic cunency study. In doing so, I will define electronic currency and analyze different views of point with my own conclusion that electronic currency is an evolution of legal currency, a special financial property based on the nature of legal currency. For this, I will classify electronic currency in to 10 basic forms.Chapter Two deals with legal analysis of electronic currency and tries to explain the legal nature and properties of electronic currency. There have been researches on electronic currency in the academic circle, but the researches are mainly concerning with technologic issues of electronic...
Keywords/Search Tags:electronic currency, basic theory, legal nature, legal relations, major risk, legalization
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