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On Status Crime

Posted on:2007-04-07Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Z YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360185957986Subject:Chinese Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Status crime is one kind of wrongdoings in the process of categorizing the subject of crime in criminal law. The crime is committed by those making use of status. The particular status, either for the definition of crime or for the measurement of it , plays a decisive role. More over the study of status crime is of great significance for the definition of joint crime and its liability for every subject of crime in the practice of jurisdiction.The author's study on status theory makes a comparatively systematic research on the issues as following: concept, characteristics, evolution, essence on the base of definition, features, categories and particular meaning of status crime. Further, the author also tries to probe into the status crime in different phases: unfinished form, accomplice form, plurality, etc, of the status crime, especially, gives a clear idea of the status of institutional crime ,and takes it into the row of status crime. The author thinks this thesis will play a part as casting away a brick and attracting a jade-stone, namely, help to perfect the theory and further research on the institutional crime .Finally ,the author studied other problems relevant to status crime ,such as voluntary surrender and limitation of crime.Generally , the thesis includes eight parts as follows:In Part 1, the author focuses on the concept , characteristics ,categories and functions of status in criminal law starting from the study on status .In his view , the status points no other than the factors which influences both the determination and the measurement of crimes clearly provided by the criminal law. The characteristics can be summarized as subject, legality,...
Keywords/Search Tags:status crime, ceased form, joint crime, institutional crime
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