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Modernization Of The Armed Forces And Military Identity Conflicts And Adjustment

Posted on:2008-08-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Since the late 1970s China has implemented the policy of reform and opening up, China has undergone profound economic and social transformation and social change has not only triggered embedded in the social structure and social fabric of all Class changes, but also makes all the actors and the thinking of values has undergone tremendous changes. This change also affects the natural army, the army of its performance in two important aspects: First, to promote changes in the management structure of the armed forces; second is to promote an officer training system changes. These two changes in police forces concentrated in the recruitment of new police officers on special groups that the performance of local university students believe their identity with the contradictions and adjust. This identity conflicts and adapt to some extent affected the military's strategic plan. This study has given a practical significance. Since then, the framework of this study broadly divided into seven chapters. Its logical structure and concisely described as follows:The first chapter is introduction. It includes the background, issues, ideas and basic research and research methods perspective. This paper says that local police officers joined the students called "student officers". Cadre training system is a newly formed group of reform. The group appeared to have brought vitality to the troops, but it also has some problems that deserve our attention. Mainly as follows: First, the ideological conflict. Along with the changes in the structure of police officers, police officers, due to the differences between the conflicts there. School students are intellectuals, social status to the military after serving police officers, one with both a double identity. On the other signs showed a different personality temperament, student officers advocating freedom and democracy. Police officers and soldiers to cadres of college graduates restraint stress obedience differences between them because of his problems with the conflict-prone. Second, the habits of conflicts. Living habits caused by the different contradictions and conflicts. Force uniform stress, an order of business is iron discipline and absolute obedience. And local college students about individuality, self-selective relatively strong performance out of the military troops there do not adapt. Third, the behavioral conflicts. Forces promote collective, collective life, collective management. Students and local self-centered, individual-centered management is relatively loose. The consequence of this serious impact on the ranks of the military police unit and a high degree of stability in the long-term construction, because professional organizations, troop down to a high degree of stability. If police officers are not stable enough troops, the degree of professionalize of the armed forces is down; the unit's combat power will obviously weaken. This paper is based on the student officers of the role of tension and student officers in the presence of the basic assumptions of identity crisis.Chapter two and Chapter three Review of theoretical literature. It consists of two main parts: First, the study of military history and sociology research groups'defects. In this paper pointed out that although the study reveals some of the military groups, but in some areas there are inadequate Students overly concerned that previous studies of individual officers with psychological problems, more from the perspective of individual psychology students microscopic analysis of social military officers, neglect of the social structure and social transformation from a macroscopic analysis of the various actors start, a word, Perspective only in social psychology and social behavior perspective, the lack of social structure of the unique sociological perspective. This paper analyzes the overall lay the foundation for the theory of Chapter three of the comments made her identity.The second part of namely third chapter mainly includes four parts: the western academic Sphere fundamental research, the Chinese academic Sphere individual identity fundamental research Chinese and foreign status fundamental research flaw and proposing the research angle of this article social structure and so on. On the foundation of the summarizing the related research in the domestic and foreign academic Sphere ,this article pointed out, although the former individual identity theory has covered many content, when these theory itself and even formerly utilized this theory studied the actual problem still has some insufficiency: First, on the research aspects studying a visual angle accepting theory in dignity of home and abroad in the past, many thinkers and scholars' researches are all about mutual contradicts and conflicts ,Such as macroscopic visual angle and microcosmic visual angle contradiction, individual psychology visual angle and group psychology visual angle contradiction, idealism visual angle and materialism visual angle contradiction, culture visual angle and function visual angle contradiction, fracture spends a visual angle and the middle product spends the visual angle contradiction, structure angle visual angle and fragment angle visual angle contradiction etc. Each of them are opposite , and they are short of communications between theories and theories ,extremely no harmoniously. Second ,When solves the concrete actual problem using the individual identity theory, merely limits to situation theory, personality theory, community theory, psychological anxious theory, role theory, socialized theory and so on, but these theories are often the social psychology and the microsociology, similarly appeared the separation in structure and the motion, the field of vision is relatively narrow, which waits for further enriching. Based on the above analysis, this article proposed must base on the social structure analysis when researching the student official's , the student official's research sets to China's social reforming and under the army modernization macroscopic background cuts into the spot by the student official community with other military officer communities' relations as the point of analysis, Especially ,when taking its status approval change logic as the zero point of analyze, launches the analysis way of the Chinese army modernization. In this degree , launching the research from the social structure angle not only break through the research limitation of the academic sphere, but also realized the value of reality concern in military sociology research .Meanwhile this article has increased the innovation power.Chapter 4 is the transition period from the local community college students in the capacity of police officers conflict. Modern and contemporary social transformation is the main consequences. Local college student psychological conflict transition period and the transition period from local police officers students on the personality and role conflict and transformation Students view local police officers in four areas of social and cultural conflict. This paper is based on the statistical data related to the investigation of student officers in the military group identity conflicts.The purpose is to reveal the backdrop of China's social transformation cadre management and training system for the production and modernization of the armed,which is forces Health and the inherent contradictions and conflicts in order to reveal the underlying causes of conflicts official identity.The fifth chapter is about the individual and social identity of the local college student officer in the transition period. It contains the individual and social identity of the local college student officer in the transition period,and so on. This part analyzes the individual and social identity of the local college student officer through correlated investigation and statistics data, aiming to reveal the condition of identity the of the local college student officer who is a fresh special group in the troop. And discuss the contradiction and adjustment of the individual and social identity of the local college student-constable.The sixth chapter is about the contradiction and adjustment of the individual and social identity of the contemporary local college student officer in the police-camp. It contains the difference between individual and social identity, realistic and institutional identity, and maintenance mechanism of identity. This article pointed out, regardless of the adjustment on the individual identity of the local college student officer or on the organization of the troop management, will be advantageous adapts the army life in them., will be advantage on the fusion and adjustment when the local college student officer enter the police camp. This kind of interaction and the adjustment can promote mutual trust of each other and their own growth. And it can make them to start to restructure their role standard, understand the system request of the military and the work rule of army, enhance the military skill, study the culture of the police camp, and improve their own quality unceasingly. In this foundation, the local college student-constable must transform the original innovation spirit into the realistic military creativity through combine their own Special features, promoting the construction and the development of troops.The seventh chapter is about the construction of the management system, which adapts the new-born local college student officer. It contains that traditional management method in the war period doesn't adapt Current management method in the peaceful period and the management method of the high cultural community doesn't adapt the management method of the low cultural community and discovery on new management system of police officers in the new period. This part points out that, further perfect the military laws and regula0tions system, carry out the education on law thoroughly, implement laws and regulations system pays special attention to the regulations rule and each laws and regulations system must take the laws and regulations system as the basis ,and take the discipline construction as the core, take management of the official strictly as the key point, take raise of the army battle efficiency as the goal, persisted trains, the strict instruction, the strict request, the strict management. It must clean up and abolishes dated laws and regulations system and form the regular order of the war preparedness, the training, the work and the life, and enhances manage level according to law the level unceasingly, realizing the legalization, the standardization, the institution of the military, political, and rear service . These goals realization must take the realization of the local college student officer community's individual identity and the society identity as the premise. In this meaning, studying the individual and social identity of the local college student-constable is studying the modernization of Chinese army in fact. And this part also becomes the ending of this article simultaneously.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modernization
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