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Plato's Theory Of Justice

Posted on:2009-08-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360242497396Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The object of the text is the justice theory of Plato. The text includes three aspects. The first chapter analyses the origin and base of the justice theory of Plato. From the second to the fourth chapter reads and combs the justice theory of Plato. From the fifth to the seventh chapter appraises the justice theory of Plato.The first chapter is the origin and base of the justice theory of Plato. The origin of the justice theory of Plato is moral concern and political concern. Moral concern purses personal virtue, political concern purses nation secure and society harmony. The base of the justice theory of Plato includes the origin of thinking and the basic theory stone. The origin of thinking is justice thinking tradition of The Ancient Greece, the basic theory stone is"ideals"and"soul"of Plato.The second chapter is personal justice and nation justice. The chapter includes three aspects: personal justice, nation justice, and the relation between them. Personal justice is reason ruling passion and desire in soul. Nation justice is the wisdom ruling the courage and the nothing of wisdom and courage in nation. Personal justice and nation justice is thought desirable by Plato because personal virtue and happiness arise from the former and nation secure and society harmony arise from the latter. There exists corresponding relation, conditional relation and prior relation between personal justice and nation justice.The third chapter is realization of nation justice. The text puts realization of personal justice in realization of nation justice. The key of realization of nation justice is philosopher-ruling. The chapter includes three aspects: the necessary, legality and possibility of philosopher-ruling.The fourth chapter is maintaining and decline of nation justice. The two ways of maintaining nation justice by philosopher-ruling is the public education and the public ownership. Although this, the decline of nation justice is not avoidable. The political system in declining includes honor, oligarch, democracy and Despotism.The fifth chapter appraises the problem direction of the justice theory of Plato. It will appraise that the justice theory of Plato whether can solve the problem by itself: the problem of personal virtue and happiness; nation secure and society harmony. The sixth chapter appraises the logical structure of the justice theory of Plato. The problem of the logical structure of the justice theory of Plato includes: the output of the justice theory of Plato is not apt; the unreal of the base of nation justice; the contradiction between personal justice and nation justice; the difficulty and contradiction in citizen justice; there is not consistent between philosopher-ruling and the aim of nation justice; the inner contradiction in philosopher-ruling; public ownership is limited.The seventh chapter appraises the value constitution of the justice theory of Plato. The chapter includes two aspects: value direction appraising and value meaning appraising. The former includes the character of the justice theory of Plato and the relation between nation justice and freedom and equity. The latter states the contribution and impact of the justice theory of Plato.
Keywords/Search Tags:Plato, justice, personal justice, nation justice, philosopher-ruling
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