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The Reproduction Of "Grass-roots Cadres Interest Group" After The Abolition Of Agricultural Tax

Posted on:2010-02-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On the relationship between township officials and village cadres before agricultural tax reform, Academia basically reached the following consensus: Village cadres help township cadres to collect taxes and fees, at the same time and township officials acquience village cadres use the opportunity to obtain personal gains .On this basis, the two sides form a fairly solid community of interests. Scholars generally believe that this community of interests had a major impact on the village committee election because the township officials always manipulate village election and makes it difficult to become truly democratic elections.However, after the abolition of agricultural taxes, the scholars' academic point of view on the community of interests is full of differences. Many scholars believe that the community of interests is not longer exists with the abolition of agricultural tax. They also believe that village committee election became truly democratic election because Township officials no longer intervene in village committee election after the abolition of agricultural tax. Although some scholars have different views on this issue, their point of view are not convincing because lack of comprehensive investigation and analysis .Through internal and external research, macro-and micro-study, This article use the theory of Anthony Giddens to study this issue and try to answer the following questions: After the abolition of agricultural tax, does the community of interests still exist in villages? If it still exists, what is the reason behind it? What kind of impact it produce on the villages? Therefore, firstly, this article analyses the strategic conducts of township officials and village cadres in the process of collecting agricultural taxes and the mutually beneficial relationship between them .the villagers' strategic conducts are essential to the relationship between township officials and village cadres because the relationship was established at the expense of the interests of the villagers. Secondly, This paper analyses the choices which the villagers make on the basis of full understanding of the "local knowledge" and explain the reason for the unique mechanism and the ability of Self-regeneration of the community of interests.Although rural cadres are unable to take advantage of this opportunity for personal gain after the abolition of agricultural tax, they found a new opportunity for personal gain and the relationship between them keep unchanged. therefore, township officials still manipulate village committee elections as before instead of keeping netural. at the same time, the villagers' strategic choices conforms to rural cadres' choices. All these reasons before led to the reproduction of community of interests.The operating mechanism of the community of interests reveals the main problems of rural society as follows: First, under the current "pressure-type system", township officials are more likely to achieve their goals through improper means at the expense of interests of the state and the villagers. meanwhile, non-organized villagers have to comply with it to protect their personal interests. Therefore, the community of interests of rural cadres remain unchanged Even after the abolition of agricultural taxes . Rural society is caught in a vicious circle.Second, the village election is very important for villagers to Enjoy democratic rights, but, in the present, it is still easy for organized rural cadres to Distort election policies to achieve their own purposes because villagers are non- organized, which have neither the ability nor the will to stop them. In light of this situation of rural areas, Two different ways of rural reform --"top-down" reform and" bottom-up" reform—should be carried out at the same time.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grass-roots cadres interest group, rules and resources, action strategy, mutual knowledge
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