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A Research On Civil-Military Integrated Economic Mobilization Mode

Posted on:2011-02-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360308983042Subject:Defense economy
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In the new century and the new phase, when we are facing the information-based war and the development of our country's socialist market economy, the interlacement of the conventional security threat and the unconventional security threat, and the twofold demand of meeting warfare and emergencies, especially the high frequency, complexity and urgency of the demand of meeting emergencies, there appear many new situations and new problems in the economic mobilization work of our country. And the result is that the overall efficiency of the economic mobilization is low and hence it can not satisfy demands of the "battlefield" (local wars in information-based conditions) and the "market" (socialist market economy), or the twofold demand of "meeting warfare" (cope with the local war in information-based conditions) and "meeting emergencies" (cope with all kinds of emergencies). It is proved by many evidences that the existing economic mobilization mode is not fit for the present situations any longer, and a more scientific and efficient economic mobilization mode is needed urgently to serve the economic mobilization work. Therefore, according to the practical demand of economic mobilization, this thesis insisted on taking the scientific theories such as science of strategy, economics, strategics, science of war mobilization, economics of defense, project management, etc. as the guidance, thoroughly applied "Scientific Outlook on Development", and brought forth the innovative viewpoint of establishing and developing the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode. Around the issue of "civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode", this thesis firstly made an expatiation on the great significance of establishing and developing the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode; secondly, this thesis made an comprehensive analysis on the current situation in research of economic mobilization mode at home and abroad; thirdly, the thesis made an expatiation on the theory as the base on which the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode was built; and fourthly, based on the analysis of the problems and the corresponding origins of our country's existing economic mobilization mode, this thesis laid stress on describing the goal, structure, content and trend of the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode, made a feasibility study on this mode, and got the conclusion that our country is basically qualified for establishing and developing the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode. Meanwhile, this thesis brought forth five approaches for how to establish and develop the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode. In this thesis, the research on the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode will provide basis for how to thoroughly apply the requirement of "find a Chinese-characterized road of civil-military integrated development" brought forth by the 17th CPC National Congress. The full text of this thesis (including the Introduction) is divided into seven chapters.Chapterâ… IntroductionIn this chapter, the author firstly made an expatiation on why we should make a research on the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode from five aspects; then, the author introduced the main thoughts, research methods and innovation points of this thesis.Chapterâ…¡Summarization on current situation of studyIn this chapter, the author focused on anatomizing and concluding the current situations of studying the civil-military integration and the economic mobilization mode at home and abroad. Thus, the author mainly made a review on the evolvement history of our country's economic mobilization modes from three angels, namely strategic environment, economic condition and economic mobilization. In the light of important events and time nodes, the author divided the period from 1949, when our country was founded, to 2007, when the 17th CPC National Congress was held, into four phases and synoptically summarized four basic modes, namely the war mode in the early years of the founding of the PRC, the civil-into-military mode at the preliminary stage of socialist construction, the military-to-civil mode after the reform and opening-up, and the civil-military integrated mode under the condition of market economy, and, according to needs of the reality and the future, brought forth the opinion that now we are in the initial stage of the fifth phase and we should establish and develop the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode. Meanwhile, in this chapter, the author also made an analysis on studying the overseas economic mobilization mode. Wherein, the author laid stress on analyzing the foreign economic mobilization modes these years which bear the characteristics and trend of civil-military integration; and mainly made his analysis and research from three aspects, namely the main types of present economic mobilization modes of foreign countries, the main characteristics of present economic mobilization modes of foreign countries, and the main enlightenments of economic mobilization modes of foreign countries to us.Chapterâ…¢the theoretical basis of studying the civil-military integrated economic mobilization modeThis chapter was the theoretical basis part of the whole thesis, and the argumentation part of the thesis. Firstly, starting from the basic theory (i.e., economics theory) of studying the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode, the author made a brief introduction on the Theory of Supply and Demand and the Pareto Optimum Theory as well we their applications in studying the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode; secondly, starting from the Basic Economy Mobilization Theory of studying the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode, the author made a detailed summarization on the connotation of the Economy Mobilization Theory, and made a careful observation on the characteristic, status and function of the economy mobilization; thirdly, starting from the key of studying the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode, the author made an analysis on the connotation of the civil-military integration theory, made an induction on the characteristic of civil-military integration, and made an analysis on the function of civil-military integration; and fourthly, based on the theoretical researches above, the author put forward the theory of civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode, and made a detailed expatiation on this theory so as to lay a theoretical foundation for studying the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode.Chapterâ…£Analysis on Current Situation of Our Country's Existing Economic Mobilization ModeIn this chapter, based on a brief introduction of the existing civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode, the author laid stress on analyzing the existing main problems, such as the concept of economic mobilization is not fit for the requirement of Scientific Outlook on Development, there exists many problems in the economic mobilization system, policy and legal guarantee of the economic mobilization is lagged, the supply-demand system of economic mobilization has not come into being, etc. In each paragraph, the author made a remark on the origin of each problem.Chapter V Concept of How Our Country's Economic Mobilization Mode Evolves Toward the Civil-Military IntegrationIn this chapter, the author described the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode from four aspects, namely the goal, structure, content and trend of the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode, so as to let readers have a clear comprehension of what kind of mode the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode is, what contents does it include, what is its goal, and so on. This chapter is one of the main innovative points of the thesis.Chapter VI A Feasibility Study on Establishing the Civil-military Integrated Economic Mobilization ModeWe think that before bring forth and establish a new mode, it must be reasoned adequately, so as to ensure its feasibility and creditability. In this chapter, the author made the feasibility study from four aspects, namely the gradual perfecting of socialist market economy has provided a groundwork of economic system for establishing the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode; the further improvement of the society's informationization degree has provided a platform of method for establishing the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode; the thorough application of the guideline of "integrating the army and the civilian, combining military efforts with civilian support" has provided an important experiential backing for establishing the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode; and the implementation of the socialization of the army's logistic support has provided a spacious practice space for establishing the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode.Chapterâ…¦The Approach of Realizing the Civil-military Integrated Economic Mobilization ModeAfter the new mode has been brought forth, the most important affair is how to realize it. In this chapter, starting with establishing the mobilization conception of scientific development, the author firstly resolved the problem of thought and knowledge, so as to unify the thought and establish a solid base of knowledge. Then starting with establishing more scientific and effective systems and mechanisms, the author brought forth several measures, such as optimizing the organization system and forming the civil-military integrated economic mobilization system, reinforcing the legal system construction and establishing a long-term development mechanism of civil-military integrated economic mobilization, and so on. In order to ensure the perfection of this mode, the author brought forth the opinion of making a practicable policy system and laying down a solid foundation of economic mobilization. Finally, the author reaffirmed the theme, i.e. insisting on the path of civil-military integration, and brought forth the four important affairs at present, i.e. thoroughly satisfying the demand of defense during the economic construction, expediting the defense industry transformation, actively promoting civilian enterprises'participation in the manufacturing of military products, and further broadening the sphere of technologies and products competent for both military and civilian purposes.The subject selection of the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode, as a new mode, of this thesis is an innovation. And, form the viewpoint of the content of this mode, also there are many possibilities of innovating. During the researching course of this thesis, in line with the requirement of Scientific Outlook on Development, insisting on combining the scientific summarization and the innovative development, the author brought forth some new viewpoints, thoughts, methods and approaches, which mainly embodied in the following three aspects,1. The author connected the civil-military integration with the economic mobilization mode together closely from the angle of economic mobilization for the first time, brought forth his own opinion for the development of economic mobilization mode in the future, namely, the civil-military integration is the optimum path to do well in economic mobilization work, said integration is the core, and a qualitative leap based on "the civil-military combination, civil-military compatibility and military efforts & civilian support combination; meanwhile, the author also made new definitions for concepts related to the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode, brought forth the new opinion that the civil-military integration is the inosculation mixing the military and the civilian, and put forward some new cognitions, such as the establishment of civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode is the demand of maintaining the security, benefit and development of our country, and the twofold demand of meeting warfare and emergencies, etc.2. The author made an expatiation on the theoretical basis and supporting theories of forming the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode, and analyzed the problems existed in the current economic mobilization mode, meanwhile, based on the expatiation and analysis above, the author described the goal, structure, content and trend of the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode, generally sketched the outline of this mode, and, starting from the reality, made the feasibility study from four aspects, namely, the groundwork of socialist market economy, the platform of fairly advanced information-based technologies, the long-term construction experience of "integrating the army and the civilian, combining military efforts with civilian support", and the practical exploration of the socialization of the army's logistic support, thus, a conclusion that China has already met the foundation and good time to build up the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode is educed.3. The author made a strategical consideration on the approach of realizing the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode from five aspects. Firstly, to establish the mobilization concept of scientific development, so as to resolve the problem of thought and knowledge. Secondly, to establish more scientific and efficient systems and mechanisms, so as to resolve the problem of operation. Thirdly, to establish a practicable policy system, so as to resolve the problem of guarantee. Fourthly, to establish a solid basic system for the economic mobilization, so as to resolve the problem of groundwork. Fifthly, to insist on the path of civil-military integration, so as to resolve the problem of approach.
Keywords/Search Tags:civil-military integration, economic mobilization, mode, system and mechanism, meeting warfare, meeting emergencies, supply, demand
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