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Arrayed Development And Hived-Off Evolution Of Sports Technique

Posted on:2007-11-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360218962810Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the concerning theories of science and technology and technique philosophy, development strategy and the"unbalanced development"theory in sustainable development, the kinematical theory about development in sociology, the concerning theories and methodologies in physiology (mainly nervous physiology), psychology and movement skill, etc., the theories concerning sports technique in sports science as a framework, the development array of sports technique and certain general characters of technique development of each event within the given sports event group are researched by means of literature search (including the second and the third search), logical methods (including induction, deduction and comparison), theoretical analyses and expert investigation, etc.. The research is conducted with the combination of objective and subjective dialectics as its research platform and the conclusion is drawn as follows:Sports technique array refers to the sequences in the development process of sports technique in terms of its time and space. The sequences manifest themselves in the following three aspects: the sequence of time dimension, the upfolding of space dimension and the gradual completeness (showing itself from two aspects, one is the increase of number, the other is the further completion of the system) of sports technique system .The arrayed development process of sports technique is of highly complicatedness and dynamic continuity with the basic forms and characteristics as follows: it is the unification of continuity and periodicalness; it is not only composed of a gradual, accumulative and continuous process but a mutative, transitional and uncontinuous process as well; it is the unification of"objective-orientedness and regularity-orientedness"; it is a process with"unbalanced"phenomena in it; its main dynamic factors include athletic need, requirement of rules and interposition of science, etc.. The innovation of sports technique is the main form of the transitional development of technique while the sustained innovation process of sports technique inevitably has a multidimensional supportive system to support it.The diffusion of innovated sports technique has its own necessity, rationality and gratuitousness .The diffusion patterns, according to the number of the adopters of the innovated technique, can be divided as mono-diffusion and poly-diffusion, and horizontal and gradient diffusion, according to the space character. The obstacles that affect the diffusion of the innovated technique include man-made, intrinsic and information ones.There are several reasons that constrict the deficiency of sports technique innovation, such as the inherent law of sports technique development, the periodicalness of people's understanding of sports technique development and the reasons from the innovators themselves.Three aspects are included in the prediction of sports development: the prediction of the perfection of sports technique structure, discussion of the relationship between sports technique development , sports event development and the development of athletes'organism. Three relationships have to be dealt with in predicting sports technique development—the relationship between sports technique prediction and the prediction of the development of competition rules, social development and the choice and mastery of the key technique.The explanation of classical theories of conditioned reflex about the nervous physiological and psychological mechanism still occupies the classical position but there has been discussion to question it. The mechanism has been discussed in the theory of structuralism and the operative conditioned reflex theory belonging to the combined learning, and ideas different from the classical conditioned reflex theory have been put forward. The acquisition of sports technique, from the angle of information feedback, dominant and recessive knowledge, has been discussed in biocybernetics as well as in learning psychology and the concerning conclusions have been reached.The technique development process in skill-dominated event group (gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, diving and Wushu (set)) that display difficulty and beauty is characterized by: in the long time to come,"difficulty, novelty, beauty and stability"are still going to be the main-stream and requirement in technique training in this group; further pursuit of technique difficulty will remain a tendency but humanitarian care to athletes will be gradually emphasized; the innovation of sports technique will still play a decisive role in the development of the concerning events but go further; more importance will be attached to the combination of sports technique and art; the concrete links and details of sports technique will affect sports performance more and more importantly; the changes of rules will exert an extremely sensitive and overall influence on sports technique development.The technique development process of the skill-dominated antagonistic event group that is separated by the net (table-tennis, badminton, tennis and volleyball) is characterized by: technique and strategy interact with each other;"service and receiving"play a very important role in the technique system of the events; attacking technique and strategies develop ahead of those of defense while the latter's development promotes the former's development; extreme importance is attached to the training of"precision technique"; the factors that affect the evolution of technique and strategies are those of subduement, rules and instrument.The technique development process of skill-dominated antagonistic event group (basketball, football, handball and water polo) at the same court is characterized by: extreme importance is attached to the physical antagonistic technique and the other technique applied in intense physical confrontation; more attention is paid to the relationship between"all-round technique"and"position technique";"combined technique"has been brought into focus.The technique development process of stamina-dominated antagonistic event group (track and field, swimming and weightlifting) is characterized by: competition practice has made people more aware of the importance of sports technique and it influences the changes of training concept; extreme importance is attached to individual differences of sports technique; the most important consideration is given to the effectiveness of sports technique training and, meanwhile, rationality and economicalness are considered; at present, the development of sports technique is based on the improvement of technique quality but innovation is still emphasized; there is a tendency of introducing more contents of modern science and technology into sports technique.
Keywords/Search Tags:sports technique, arrayed development, sustained innovation of sports technique, deficiency of innovated sports technique, nervous physiological and psychological mechanism in sports technique, characteristics of sports technique in sports event group
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