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Systemic Study On The Knowledge About Cheimcal Elements In Chemistry Textbooks

Posted on:2010-12-09Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360275493130Subject:Disciplinary education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the new curriculum reform, the knowledge about chemical elementshas been significantly changing in the content selection, organization and presentation.As a result, in-depth studies should be made on a series of questions as follows: Whatare the characteristics of these changes? Why did it happen? How can we view onthese changes? What effects made? Which direction should these changes go forward?It is necessary to made a comprehensive analysis on these questions while thecurriculum reform has steped into a relatively stable stage.In this dissertation, chemistry textbooks, which affects instruction and learningprofoundly, are chose as main study subjects. Promoting the development of students,especially novice-like students, are looked as the basic starting point. Historicalevolution, international comparison and grade development are used as three maindimensions. Content alignment analysis, social organization level analysis and inquirylevel are used as characteristic study methods, combined with listing, investigation,case analysis and comparison.From chapter 3 to chapter 5, content characteristics, organization characteristicsand instruction characteristics of the knowledge about chemical elements in chemistrytextbooks are comprehensively analyzed to form an overall understanding. In chapter6, based on the outcome of textbooks analysis, case study, teacher interview andstudent investigation are carried out to recognize the difference between text designand instruction practice to understand the practical demands for the design ofknowledge about chemical elements in chemistry textbooks. In chapter 7, a series ofquestions rose from the static text study and the dynamic practical study are discussedin order to give a critical thinking on the development direction of the reform of theknowledge about chemical elements in curriculum reform.The study shows that the reform of knowledge about chemical elements intextbooks has made outstanding achievements. In accordance with the basic conceptof curriculum reform, it reflects the characteristics of globalization, advancement and times. The choice of the content has changed from the"cover-type"to"select-type",emphasis on systemic organization has shifted to the typical selection. At the sametime, there has been an increasing concern about the knowledge applied in daily livesand social activities. In term of content organization, disciplinary cues and social cuesare integrated and give full play of their unique advantages to students. In instructiondesign, it reflects the concern for self-study and the inquiry level of activities likeexperiments has improved significantly.The study also shows that the design of knowledge about chemical elements inthe textbook is still possible to improve on the technical level. In view of reducing theburden on students, the knowledge of chemical elements needs further streamliningand reorganization. From the interaction between disciplinary and social content, thefunction of social knowledge's promotion toward disciplinary contents learning needto be more profound. In view of stage development, the level of social organization ofelements knowledge need to be further strengthened. It is not only necessary to reflectthe different development section, but also to avoid duplication. From the perspectiveof the needs of students, the presentation of knowledge about chemical elements needto be more concerned about the learning of novice-like students, in particular theself-taught beyond school.In the future, on the basis of this study, efforts will be made in the process ofdesigning knowledge about chemical elements in the textbook to put the researchfruits into practice and analyze the application result on the view of practice.Verification, adjustment, improvement and optimization will be conductedcontinuously in the process of application.
Keywords/Search Tags:chemistry textbook, knowledge about chemical elements, content characteristics, organization characteristics, instruction characteristics
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