Corresponding to the serial manipulators, the parallel manipulators have been devoted long-termed attention for some special characters, such as high stiffness, high load capability, high speed, and lower inertia because the motors are fixed to the base. Forward position problem of the parallel manipulators is still a challenging question.The forward kinematic problem consists in finding the set of Cartesian variables corresponding to a prescribed set of joint variables. This dissertation is to study the forward position problem of several new type 6-DOF (6-degree-of-freedom) parallel mechanisms and the main items of the dissertation are as follows:1. The research and applications of parallel mechanisms are reviewed and the work of the kinematics and singularities of the parallel mechanism is also presented, the research points and the significances of the dissertation are discussed.2. The forward and inverse position problems of the 2-DOF and 3-DOF parallel spherical mechanism are studied.3. A new 6-DOF 3-U~rRS parallel mechanism with 2-DOF parallel spherical mechanism is presented and its forward position problem is studied.4. A new 6-DOF 3-U~rPS parallel mechanism with 2-DOF parallel spherical mechanism is presented and its forward position problem is studied.5. A new 6-DOF 2-S~rRU parallel mechanism with 3-DOF parallel spherical mechanism is presented and its forward position problem is studied.6. A new 6-DOF 2-S~rPU parallel mechanism with 3-DOF parallel spherical mechanism is presented and its forward position problem is studied.7. The singularities of the 6-DOF 3-U~rRS parallel mechanism are analyzed.8. The singularities of the 6-DOF 3-U~rPS parallel mechanism are analyzed. |