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Taiwan Television Media Shopping Channels Industry Strategic Surface And Surface Analysis,

Posted on:2010-01-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Q LaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119330332473514Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This study explores the critical success factor of Taiwan's TV shopping industry to be an important practical operation reference and based on literature review with expert interview to amend the critical success factor, which selected 16 critical success factors and grouped into 4 major dimensions, including:product dimension, service dimension, technical dimension, as well as strategy dimension. The product dimension includes product quality, brand image, product pricing & promotion, and product marketing capacity. Service dimension includes service quality, delivery service, consulting service, as well as customized service. Technical dimension includes customer relationship management techniques, enterprise resource planning, knowledge management with innovation, as well as logistics capabilities. The strategy dimension includes strategic alliance, channel resource, vertical integration, as well as scale economy. In addition, it utilizes the approach of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to obtain the relative weight of 16 critical success factors as industry decision-making and resource allocation purposes.After recycled the interview information, it would take advantage of Analytic Hierarchy Process approach to analyze. In the relative importance of various dimensions, the product dimension is the most important aspect in the eye of supervisors, in which the weight score accounts for 0.204, followed by service dimension, strategy dimension, as well as technical dimension. These scores represent the business successful perspectives of decision-makers and they believe product dimension plays the most essential part. Regarding product dimension aspect, the brand image has the essential impact with 0.446 weight score, followed by product quality with0.231 weight score, product marketing capacity with 0.231, as well as product pricing & promotion with 0.1 weight score. Regarding service dimension aspect, the delivery service has the essential impact with 0.328 weight score, followed by service quality with 0.318 weight score, customized service with 0.231 weight score, as well as consulting service with 0.123 weight score. Regarding Technical dimension aspect, the logistics capability has the essential impact with 0.401 weight score, followed by customer relationship management techniques with 0.256 weight score, knowledge management with innovation with 0.221 weight score, as well as enterprise resource planning with 0.122 weight score. The third is channel resource with 0.231 weight score, and the fourth is vertical integration with 0.117 weight score. The overall top 10 weight scores of assessment were ranked as follows:Delivery Service (0.1128),Strategic Alliance (0.1115),Service Quality (0.1094),Scale Economy (0.1036),Brand Image (0.0910),Customized Service (0.0795),Channel Resource (0.0762),Logistics Capacity (0.0489),Product Quality (0.0471),Product Marketing Capacity (0.0455).In order to understand the impact of Taiwan TV shopping industry on consumer behavior, this study delves into not only the aspect of product quality & service quality, but also the aspect of customer satisfaction & customer loyalty. On the other hand, it utilizes structural formula for a research tool to issue questionnaire in terms of 180 consumers with TV shopping experience.To sum up, the indirect effect of service quality & product quality is greater than that of direct effect in terms of customer satisfaction with loyalty. Consumers should not referral the aspect of service quality & product quality to decide their purchase strategies, but should consider the level of customer satisfaction. In other words, when deciding to buy some certain products, consumers should take into service quality & product quality account at the same time.Within linear structural equation modeling of LISREL, the main purpose is to utilize the aspect of service quality & product quality in view of Taiwan's TV shopping industry and to explore the relationship between Taiwan's TV shopping industry and consumer satisfaction & loyalty. The study also found out that the level of customer satisfaction is an important intermediary element.There are managerial conclusion, research contribution and practical suggestions in Chapter 5. Resource-based theory is the concept for the critical success factors of business, and this study utilizes the view of resource-based theory to gain the ability of resource in order to form a competitive advantage. Moreover, here got the analyzing result via LISREL model analysis. The unique and creation point within this study is that mixing the " top-down" and "bottom-up" approach in the study methods, and came out the study results about the indirect effect among the "service quality" and "product quality" on customer satisfaction with loyalty is greater than direct effect of "service quality" and "product quality".Regarding Taiwan's TV shopping industry relevant enterprises, this study present the following proposals:(1) The market-oriented and customer-oriented marketing strategy;(2) Build up the innovative knowledge management system in the enterprise;(3) To establish strategic partnership;(4) To strengthen the capacity of product planning and its own brand confidence;(5) Expand to other multi-channel marketing on the basis of the current competitive advantages;(6) On the basis of competitive advantages, the enterprises have to continuous strengthening their core competitiveness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Critical Successful Factors, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction Indicator(CSI), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Structural Equation Modeling (LISREL)
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