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A Study On The Public Economic Power Audit Supervisory Control Mechanisms

Posted on:2012-06-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Q MiaoFull Text:PDF
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Power is sensitive topic in a class society. Many theorists have been exploring, discussing and studying power from the angles of the politics, law, economics, management science and philosophy and gained proud accomplishments for hundreds of years. However, few have only studied public economic power which is stripped out of complicated power system based on public accountability, and those who studies preventing and supervisory control ofpublic economic power alienation even so from the angle of audit.Accountability theory insists that the trustee must have symmetrical public economic power in order to perform fiduciary responsibilities, and the performing result of these power is various and chosen by the trustee. Based on Exercising-Power status, this paper deepens the study of public economic power audit supervisory control by means of power subdivision, building of economic power-oriented audit model and public economic power audit supervisory control mechanisms, and concludes that audit can monitor the exercise of public economic power status directly to ensure proper exercise in the right way.This article reads as follows:Chapter 1 is preface, introducing the background, objective and research methodology.Chapter 2 is the public economic power analysis. Firstly, it shows the power that modern society can not avoid in any case and defines power, economic power and public economic power and demonstrates the first generation of public economic power from the perspective of historical materialism. In the exercise of public economic power after the process of careful analysis of the logical route, it finds the carrier of public economic power which consists of the three components, one is exercise information that is based on the layers of authority and related with the business processes; another is direct exercising-power traces; the, third is exercising-power report in accordance with the requirements of the public trustee. Second, it analyzes public economic power structure which is divided into static structure and dynamic structure. Then, taking into account the symmetry of the economic power and public accountability,it compares the imbalance between the public economic power and public accountability which is concentrated on and the objective of public economic power Audit Supervisory Control. Finally, it analyzes the reasons of public economic power alienation from subject and object aspects.Chapter 3 is the classification of deepening public economic power, that is, power subdivision. This chapter focuses on the past scholars's the classification study of economic power and a detailed in-depth classification. Firstly, it shows public economic power in the public administraton sectors, public economic power in the public non-profit organizations and public economic power in the public profit organizations according to the subjects exercising all the power, and then takes on further refinement on the basis of it.Chapter 4 is the construction of economic power-oriented audit model. The mode includes the theoretical framework and practical framework. The theoretical framework refers to development of the accountability and the audit basic theory consisting of the audit nature, audit assumptions, the audit objectives, audit norms, audit information and audit control. Practical framework reflects the specific audit work nature and mutual relations among the audit policy, audit risk and audit quality.Chapter5 is the building of public economic power audit supervisory control mechanisms.In today's Chinese economic and political system institutional framework, the paper establishes a set of control mechanisms consisting of the "power controls power," " rights restrict power" and "moral constraints power".Chapter 6 is the empirical analysis of public economic power audit audit supervisory control mechanisms. The paper surveys the theoretical projects of public economic power audit audit supervisory covering party and government organs, the audit department, state-owned division leaders and institutions of higher learning hygiene. The survey finds that the vast majority of respondents recognize the possibilities of public economic power audit supervisory control, In addition, the paper analyzes economic responsibility audit report of a certain mayor in order to draw upon the results of economic responsibility audit in carrying out public economic power audit audit supervisory control and finds that economic responsibility audit is helpful to constraint public economic power to some degree.Chapter 7 is conclusions, innovation and future research directions.This innovation is expected mainly in the following areas:1.The paper analyzes theoretical and practical significances of the public accountability theory, proposes the concept of public economic power carriers, refines public economic power and government audit power,and introduces traces science concepts and principles into direct public economic power audit supervisory control.2.The paper constructs economic power-oriented audit model and eepens the public economic power audit supervisory control mechanisms.3.The paper takes advantage of questionnaires and case studies to analyze the importances of theoretical projects of public economic power audit supervisory control and the advantages and disadvantages of economic responsibility audit in restricting public economic power.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public Accountability, Audit Supervisory Control Mechanisms, Economic Power-oriented Audit Model, Exercising-Power Traces, Power Subdivision, Public Economic Power Alienation
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