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A Study On Coordination Of Multi-channel Based On Virtual Trading Community

Posted on:2013-02-27Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119330371996737Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper considers the influence of the characteristics such as cluster, network externality on supply chain structure and operation based on virtual trading community. Under the case of random consumer demand or linear demand influenced by price, service, reputation, unit time accumulate sales and other factors and different virtual community channel operation cost, the coordination strategies between channels and nodes are given by model analysis in different supply chain structure.Firstly, we analyzed the channel selection and evolutionary strategies for the manufacturer and the retailer. We classify the e-channel to direct sales channel and virtual community channel, explore the e-channel's selection strategy based on the chasm theory, investigate the equilibrium pricing strategy and give the coordination interval of the manufacturer and the retailer. Then, introduce the e-channel revenue sharing strategy to achieve the nodes coordination, furthermore, explore the evolutionary stable strategy of the e-channel.Then, from the characteristics of product externality, more fierce competition of the same product and shorter fund turnover, the complementary product coordination, commercial reputation coordination and serve promotion coordination strategies are put forward. Analyze the equilibrium pricing and profits when sale complementary product in different channel, and give both the Bertrand and Stackelberg equilibrium strategy. The feasibility of complementary product cooperative strategy is demonstrated by an example. And obtaining the result:in the different complementary products cases, complementary products can cooperate to cooperative revenue sharing and subsidies to coordinate in order to achieve a win-win result. At the same time, design the optimal price strategy of the business reputation based on distributed and centralized decision-making supply chain, reach the nodes coordination through the price adjustment.In addition, research on the pricing model under the structure of both manufacturer and retailer open electronic in the virtual community basis on the traditional retail channel, respectively on the two circumstances of retailer promoting service in traditional channels promoting service and both in the traditional and virtual community electronic channel, investigate the influence of the traditional value-added services parameters, the virtual community fixed service fee parameters and virtual community additional service fee parameter on the equilibrium price and channel demand, and compare with the independent operation direct channel model.And then analyze the nodes coordination with logistics services provider. Based on the multi-channel structure of the retailer also operation electronic channel in virtual community, considering the important influence of third party logistic (3PL) services on the virtual community public praise, introducing the3PL service providers to the supply chain competition.3PL service provider bring huge profits to itself, and improve the supply chain system performance, but his participation increases the equilibrium pricing of the manufacturer and retailer, make the manufacturer and retailer loss, therefore, a revenue sharing strategy is designed to realize coordination in multi-channel structure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Virtual Community, Multi-channel compitition, Nodes Coordination, Game, Equilibrium Solves
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