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On FeiMing’s Academic Research

Posted on:2011-02-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330332982970Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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FeiMing is a writer with distinctive characters as well as being a productive scholar, whose academic research involved the fields of ancient literature, modern literature, philosophy, aesthetics and linguistics with the total words of one million. However, most of his achievements were not known by the world, and FeiMing almost became "a missing people" in the history of academy and thinking.Apart from the "Introduction" and "Conclusion", this thesis falls into five parts.In chapter one, this thesis will focus on FeiMing’s poetic thought in his "Discussion of New Poem"". He hypothesized the criterion of new poem based on his imagination about what is a new poem, which is the core of his poetic thought. Moreover, his theory can be traced back to historical and realistic evidences based on five parts:the observation to the ancient poetry, the examination to the current poetic circles, the reference of foreign poems, the reflection on the creation of new poems and his disapproval to HuShi’s theory. His theory not only distinguished the new and old poems at the first time, but also showed Chinese new poems bearing the characters of freshness, tolerance and universality, which influenced the development of the poetry directly and indirectly.In chapter two, his Buddhist philosophy will be discussed. FeiMing’s Buddhist thought can be traced back to the DaCheng Buddhism, which is quite different from the dhyana, a divided branch of traditional Indian Buddhism from the aspect of the way of understanding. His thought was propped up by three propositions: "the world is heart", "the world is to have", and "the world is a reason". His theory was mainly to break Xiong Shili’s "New Consciousness-only Doctrine" with the beginning of destructing the evolutionism. He rebutted it profoundly from related three aspects that are "query to the biological evolution", "query to the social evolution", and "query to the scientism"Chapter three is concerned about FeiMing’s study about "The Book of Songs" He defined it as the "people’s literature and arts of ancient times". Based on the literature, he treated poetry as the realistic paint of real life with the given evidence of his living and writing experience. When explained poems, he took in the essence of previous poets, and carried on the good traditions as well as criticizing the weak point. In that way, he had his unique points of view.The main idea in chapter four lies in his studies about LuXun. His understanding and attitudes to LuXun has changed from admiration to estrangement and then back to respect. FeiMing put forward some unique ideas, such as the limitations lied in LuXun’s early career, the disapproval to the background information about LuXun’s creation of "The Dairy of The Madman", and his idea that the character Mr.Q is the typical image of "employee in the street". His studies had a strong influence on the literature circle, which touched off an fruitless contend.In the last chapter, his studies on DuFu will be illustrated. FeiMing, who had taken refuge in HuangMei in the war-time, had both the internal and external reasons to study DuFu. He applied some new theories to his detailed study of DuFu and his poems presenting a lot of distinctive ideas. He thought that DuFu cannot be classified into any school, which is the character of his poetry. He also believed that "The North of The Great Wall" is the first great creation of writing the typical soldiers in Chinese poetic history. Although he made a big contribution to the study of DuFu, he still received a lot of objections.After the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, FeiMing’s thought changed a lot, which affect his academic research. However, change and sameness existed at the same time. The production way and his confidence of his research haven’t changed, as well as his basic research style and some viewpoints.The significance of studying the academic thinking comprehensively and systematically is that, firstly, we can not only understand FeiMing as a writer, but also, a whole person. Secondly, it can help us have a better analysis and understanding to his literature creation. The third advantage lies in its academic significance, which will be an excellent reference to the research on history, such as the history of new poem and of the modern Buddhism, etc. Apart from above, as a modern intellectual, FeiMing can be a significant case study about the academic fate of Chinese intellectuals.
Keywords/Search Tags:FeiMing, The Book of Songs, DuFu, New Poem, LuXun, Buddhism, Academic Research
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