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On The Globality State Building

Posted on:2014-02-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1226330398464322Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper points out that globalization is an objective process in thecontemporary era. On the one hand, the development of globalizationmade the modernity dilemma increasingly serious; on the other hand, it atthe same time provides a massy realistic basis for globality which canpreferably reflect the spirit of the age. In this case, we need to think theessence of state at the background of globality. States building should beguided by the principle of globality, in other words, we need building anew form of state, globality state.As a new form of state adapted to the spirit of the age, globality stateshould be able to treat various relationships under “global-local” type ofthinking, to effectively achieve the global collective action andco-existence between self and other which is interdependence with theformer. In this paper, globality state has three core characteristics whichare domestic development, relational ontology, and global responsibility.First, on domestic development, globality state insists efficiencysovereignty and takes improving citizen quality as important content ofnational development. Second, globality state uses relationality in terms ofontology which includes co-existence, integrality and harmony. Third,globality state bears a wide range of global responsibility in global affairswhich include co-existence between man and nature, the global peace anddevelopment, global justice, participating and reforming the internationalinstitution. On this basis, this paper also has responded to possiblequestions concerning these characteristics.When analyzing the issues of globality state building incontemporary era, it’s essential to distinguish globality state from nationstate, cosmopolitanism state and world government. Firstly, in relationshipbetween globality state and nation state, they have significant difference despite have some of similarities. In other words, globality state is thetranscendence of nation state. Secondly, globality state has a lot ofsimilarity with cosmopolitanism state in value pursuit, pattern of behavior,and significance of state, while they have distinction at the ontology.Thirdly, globality state is in contradiction to centralized world government,and in harmony with other forms of world government.Good relationship with other global actors is the guarantee of gloalitystate’s development. Material power and moral sanction are decisivefactors to deal with this kind of relationship. Specifically, gloality stateshould keep cooperation relationship with sovereign state at first, which isachieved by complying global morals, strengthening regional cooperation,and promoting interaction within international institution. Secondly,globality state should keep a kind of counterbalance and cooperationrelationship with international organization, which is achieved bypromoting interaction between globality state and various forms ofinternational organizations represented by UN. Thirdly, globality stateshould keep complementary cooperation relationship with global civilsociety, which is achieved by developing equal status of the two actors,strengthening local and global cooperation. Lastly, globality state shouldkeep competitive and supplementary relationship with transnationalcorporations, which is achieved by globality state take open stratagem andwelfare policy...
Keywords/Search Tags:Globality state, Nation state, Cosmopolitanism state, Global actors
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