In the middle of the20th century, ecological deterioration caused a serious threat tohuman survival which first emerged in the developed capitalist countries,in the absenceof effective stem, grow has now spread to global ecological crisis. In our country andother countries of the world experienced ecological problems, there are both its historicalreasons and affected by the environment of world. Past a period of time, a lot of regional,national and international society were in response to ecological crisis by renewing theidea, making policy, taking measures, but the effect is temporary and partial, it cannot besaid to its lack of a correct ideas on world outlook and methodology guidance. So furtherresearch and comprehensive exposition of Marx thoughts about " between people andnature, the real solution of contradiction between person and person "①, and making itgenerate maximum time echo, it is not only has the theoretical value but has the practicalsignificance.This paper draws on the research achievements of western and domestic ecologymarxism, but the aim is not merely to gleaning, but try to take a more reliable methodand make every effort to come to the more scientific conclusion. In this paper, on thetheoretical framework, for Marx’s ecological environment, both the longitudinal cardingthe history of its formation, and horizontally illustrates its rich connotation; Both Chineseand foreign relevant theory development clue of cohesion, and especially pay attention tothe inherent logic of marxism, on the basic of that,presenting the pattern of generationand evolution of Marx’s ecological environment ideas. Except the introduction, paper isdivided into three parts:The first part examines the theory origin and realistic foundation of Marx’secological environment idea, namely marxist ecological thought formation historybackground. This part clarifies the formation of Marx’s ecological environment, on theone hand,the part critically inherite the ancient times, the essence of modern ideasabout the relationship between man and nature, on the other hand, in view of thecapitalist mode of production caused the tension of the relation between man and nature, which prove the scientific nature and effectiveness of this thought.The second part theoretically summarizes the contents and features of the Marx’secological environment thought and its status in the Marxist theoretical systemtheoretically. This part is the key and core of the paper, also is the main innovation of thepaper. The contents of Marxist ecological ideas started from the concept of "ecologicalenvironment" firstly, demonstrating the relationship between ecological environment andhuman and history philosophically, forming the theoretical content framework of Marxistecological environment thought. At the same time, the systemic, practicality and humannature of Marx’s ecological thought itself are profound reflect of Marx’s ecologicalenvironment thought characteristic. These characteristics prove the importantsignificance of Marx’s ecological environment thought in today’s world again. In addition,the status of Marxist ecological environment thought is reflected by the analysis ofecological thoughts throughout Marx’s writings. Marx’s ecological environment thoughtis not only insist on the materialism, dialectics, but also express from the analysis of theproductive forces and social relations, illustrating the important status of Marx’secological thought in the theoretical system of Marxism adequately.The third part expounds the contemporary value of Marx’s ecological environmentthought. First of all, through to the western marxism of ecology marxism ofdeconstruction and analysis, a deep understanding of Marx’s thought in modern westernecological environment and development. It is proved that the western Marxism madeMarxist ecological theory apply to the criticism of reality problems, then got importantinfluence and effect and and had special contribution to Marxism modernization. Second,from Marx’s ecological environment combined with the concrete practice of the Chineseperspective, this paper discusses the sinicization of marxist ecological thought since thefounding of the trajectory and the formation of the theoretical results, for the constructionof beautiful China has important theoretical and practical significance. And on the roadof building the Chinese characteristics socialism ecological civilization, to give fullplay to the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics; in themaintenance of national ecological environment security and to deal with the relationshipwith other countries at the same time.This paper interprets the whole Marx’s ecological environment thought multidimen- sionally from the visual angle of theory and reality and proves the scientific nature andguidance of Marxist ecological thought, and thus explain that at the national level, theimportance of ecological construction of socialist countries in the economic and socialdevelopment. More important is, in the field of ecological movement, the socialistsystem Chinese characteristic construction and ecological construction together is theway to solve the ecological crisis, and Chinese solution to ecological problems will playthe part of demonstration and leading role in the whole world. |