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Nationalism And National Identity Of Gansu, Ningxia And Qinghai Provinces Minorities During The Anti Japanese War

Posted on:2015-09-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Z ChuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1315330428475030Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nationalism was the dominant ideology continue to influence the Chinese modem history, don't know about nationalism will not be able to realize the modern history of China. In order to understand nationalism, we must interpret the complicated interaction in the representative spacetime between subject and object of the nationalism practice. In this paper, I put the Anti-Japanese War period and GanNingQing provinces as the background of time and space, the construction of nation-state practice as the object. To investigate the GanNingQing minorities response to the construction of nation-state and recognition options.During the Anti-Japanese War, in the face of the Japanese invasion, around the country tried to promote the construction of nation-state in the frontier, enhance the national identity of various ethnic groups, in this process, GanNingQing provinces with their unique history and geography, becomed the main target of the nation-state construction. For national identity, the Chinese and foreign scholars generally agree that the national identity should include national political identity and national cultural identity, but this paper emphasizes national identity should include political identity, economic interests identity and cultural identity. The "economic interests identity" refers to the thinking and behavior of ethnic identity which due to visible or foreseeable economic interests of certain social organizations and systems. Them through the "Nation-style trip" and writing, from the history, culture and kinship constructed the GanNingQing ethnic minorities to become the nation's natural composition. At the same time, they also provided a large number of comprehensive and concrete plans about the construction of nation-state in the Northwest. Intellectual elite broadly participated in the construction of the nation-state, was undoubtedly one of the highlights of modern Chinese nationalism movement.As a nation-state construction's practical subject, the national government from the country's political identity and economic interests identity, cultural identity three angles go hand in hand, to construct the national identity of GanNingQing ethnic minorities. First, in terms of political identity. Under the national government's national consciousness propaganda, GanNingQing ethnic minorities showed widespread identity for the abstraction of "China". But when facing the state power, as a result of the presence of local military and political forces divided the resources of the national identity, the local political system became the main target of minority political identity. National government had tried to unify the military and political of the three provinces, establish the uniqueness of the country's political identity, to achieve the ethnic minorities identity of the state power, but the pressure of the war made the national government powerless to achieve this goal; In the aspect of the economic interests identity, in order to construct the economic interests identity, the national government tried to improve the three provinces people's livelihood through economic development, and form the economic integration through the native goods and legal tender circulation. But in fact, due to the fiscal pressures caused by the war and the economy monopoly caused by the local strength, the result of the three provinces economic development was not satisfactory. Coupled with the economic consequences of the regime involution, the three provinces people's livelihood in a hopeless situation, so the economic identity was impossible; In the aspect of cultural identity, in the process of the construction of the new national culture, whether it is the implementation of bilingual education, improved education of the temple, or the possession of Genghis Khan symbol, national government as much as possible to respect the local ethnic culture, and thus obtain some results. But on the one hand, due to the war affected, the construction of new national culture was lack of adequate financial resources and manpower support. On the other hand, the regional power groups also used the cultural construction to cultivate favorable cultural environment for their political rule, so the result of the national cultural identity construction was not optimistic.Through the investigation of the construction of nation-state practice in GanNingQing ethnic minorities, we can see that, the Anti-Japanese War had obvious promoting effect on the rise of Chinese nationalism and awakening of the Chinese nation. Under the pressure of the Anti-Japanese War, the construction of nation state made by a large number of intellectual elite and the national government together, improved the various ethnic groups of the nation's awareness and recognition, thereby enhancing their sense of belonging to the country of abstraction. However, the war had a block for the perfection of the nation state construction. Affected by the Anti-Japanese War, the national government lacked sufficient strength to improve the political, economic and cultural construction of GanNingQing provinces, and ultimately made the minority identity of the state power at a very low level.Although the outcome what the construction of the nation-state in GanNingQing provinces is not optimistic, but examine the construction process, we can still get a lot of valuable empirical knowledge and inspiration: First, the relationship between ethnic groups is an important factor affecting the ethnic's national identity, to establish a good ethnic relations, not only requires appropriate "national policy", more crucial is "national policy" executive force; Second, national identity and nation-stage identity does not always exist consistency, abstract of the state and state power embodied, not fully coupled, The two kind of identity is related to each other, but there are also contradictions; Section Third, in the three system of national identity, the political identity is the prerequisite, economic identity is fundamentally, cultural identity is the guarantee; Fourth, the differences between the minorities and the interior, making the national identity at different levels of the identity hierarchy.
Keywords/Search Tags:during the Anti-Japanese War, Gansu, Ningxia and Qinghai provinces, nationalism, national identity
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