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Researching The Ethics Culture And Ethics Implication Of "Er RenTai" Art

Posted on:2017-03-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M H HanFull Text:PDF
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"ErRenTai" is a popular folk playlet which is originated from Hequ folk songs, and in the process of circulating the integration of a variety of music art and folk art forms, formed a unique folk art form in the central and western regions of Inner Mongolia, in the northern province of Shanxi like Hequ county, Baode county, Pianguan county, Zhang bei region of Hebei province, and Yulin county, Fugu county in Shaanxi province. To the founding of new China, there are more than 130 units by folk artists and spontaneous creation of traditional "ErRenTai" plays from its generation and development of historical context and cultural context, which reflects the culture area, life in social change, population migration, structural changes in the process of the bottom (including farmers, craftsmen, and at that time) of the secular life, emotional orientation, value judgment, social cognition, etc. Regardless of its content repertoire, or artistic expression from the point of view, we are able to reflect the many ethical and cultural information. When we use this ethic of anthropology theoretical framework to organize and analyze this information, On the one hand it can be found in such a kind of folk drama inherent in the history and environment of ordinary people for the simple understanding of the relationship between ethics and morality of the basic structure in a specific cultural area, and more truly reflects the local ethics pedigree; On the other hand, it is possible to examine ethics in research, in addition to the kind of research to explore the path outside the principle of universality, whether based on specific moral knowledge, to tease out the complexities of diverse ethical and cultural phenomenon, so that the ethics construction of foundation and life of the field with a realistic. In other words, ethics anthropology through the gap to make up the rift between normative ethics and the virtue ethics and find how to establish the ethical principles from the concrete life practice, the formation of customs, internalized into habits, to enculturate people's behavior and emotional realistic way. In addition, if the music from the ethics of this particular form of ethics, anthropology by exploring ethical value "ErRenTai" Art, music is possible ethical significance and role, which has been effectively confirmed. At the same time, it also receives specific ethical and moral reflection from the cultural awareness of this art form.Firstly, it contains music and opera ethical ethics in "ErRenTai" Art. Music from the ethical point of view, it reflects the general ethics of music content, such as "beauty" and "Good", in order to promote moral education aesthetic education, etc.; Furthermore, as a local opera culture-specific area, through the very language of daily life and performance, it vividly reflected the emotional and moral value judgments of the most ordinary people. By analyzing the ethical anthropology it can be found in the more profound as a particular historical period, and people for their own real-life situation is closely related to the social history of social organization, family relationships, personal feelings, life events inherent in ethics cognition and moral experience, which was a reflection of the structure and the basic moral ethics of social cognition of people, especially people of the various moral judgment point.Secondly, the specific content from more than 130 traditional "ErRenTai" repertoire of view, which can be found mainly expressed ethical culture is reflected in the social ethics and family ethics. Social ethics in this refers to people for all sorts of ethical awareness of the relationship between social realities that exists and the value on the basis of the formation of the judgment.Its outcome characteristics, traditional "ErRenTai" repertoire, reflect the reality of social ethics in one more is more chaotic social order, social life more turbulent background, such as famine caused by population movements, namely to " Moving Westward "as the representative of hunger "; the ravages of war and social management failures caused by banditry; population from the original living environment and the disintegration of the original structure of rural life cause, and so on. Under these more turbulent social background, people for social justice specific requirements:basic survival for embodied desire and demands of distributive justice information, and the desired external powers given entity on its own security; and people for the society political, cultural value judgments tend to these basic requirements as the starting point, then the formation of the most ordinary people's ethical awareness and popular reality ethical culture.Family ethics includes the fact that the relationship between ethics everyday life of ordinary people in the region in the period between family members, construction and organization of the family and family life, personal feelings of value orientation and other aspects. I must say that due to the impact of migration, so that traditional Chinese agricultural civilization based, ethics culture to the principle of hierarchy of patriarchal structure of love, marriage and family, great changes occurred in the structure of ethics. Additionally, integration and exchange of Chinese and Mongolian culture, making the "ErRenTai" in the show's diverse and family ethics seem rebellious. This is precisely reflects only through anthropological analysis of ethics, in order to truly understand the specific social and historical context, people for family life and emotional expression is how to understand, and thus why people would choose the appropriate behavior. For external to that era we can not demanding the ancients in a way to understand the reality of the prevailing ethical culture.Thirdly, from an ethical point of view, the value of "ErRenTai" express from one side with the changes reflect the ethics of how people's lives change. Especially people's sense of morality actually comes from the perception of the reality of life, and ethics is reflected a relatively stable norms, the two have been in an interactive development, which inevitably contains a lot of contradictions and conflicts. This is precisely ethics is an important driving force to move forward. Admittedly, in the turbulent social, the tension between ethics and moral intuition is more obvious. Thus, by two sets of traditional repertoire ethical content Anthropological analysis can be found from the vertical, is based on what kind of reason, so people began to real ethics confusion and doubt, and raises people's behavior from the norm to anomie. Furthermore, the general public is based on what the motives of these ethical norms simple reflection of social ethics in what sense can be effectively reconstructed. After this series of questions by the ethics of anthropology is to show up, in fact, touch ethics has a fundamental problem, that is, the difference between moral and ethical tension and how it happened. In particular, in this tension, the community can move towards ethical civilizations would thus appear realistic path.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Er Ren Tai", Music Ethics, Ethical Spirit, Ethics Implication
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