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Research On Collective Action Mechanism Of Factory Migrant Workers

Posted on:2016-04-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F GouFull Text:PDF
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The development of the market economy and social transformation brought adjustment of interest structure and exacerbate social class differentiation. Relatively speaking, the migrant workers who are in disadvantageous position of economy, society and politics become social vulnerable groups, factory migrant workers are no exception. This group's legitimate rights are not protected and interests damaged are more serious. The attendant factory migrant workers collective action is increasing. This phenomenon has caused widespread concern of all sectors of society, including the academia. Admittedly, in recent years, the factory migrant workers labor rights protection has been obviously improved, relatively to the past. But the group's collective action occurres one after another. So we can't help asking, why the frequency of factory migrant worker collective action increases than the original that is in the case of their labor rights of significant improved. On this issue, there has been some academic discussion, but depth research is lack. In this article, the author takes three factories'migrant workers collective action events in S city as a starting point, trying to explore and analyze possible mechanisms for factory migrant workers collective action.Based on analyzing the theory of relative deprivation, resource mobilization theory, political process theory and political opportunity structure theory and other western collective action theories,, this article attempts to construct a research framework of factory migrant workers collective action Multiple nested action mechanism. On this basis, the author adopts the literature research, panel discussion, case interviews and participatory observation and other research methods, combined with field materials and survey data, focusing on the role of deprivation mechanism, resource mobilization mechanism and political opportunity mechanism which are in the process of factory migrant workers collective action. In multivariate nested action mechanism, the deprivation mechanism, resource mobilization mechanism and political opportunity mechanism have a strong mutual correlation. Among them, deprivation mechanism is the cause of collective action, resource mobilization mechanism is a necessary condition for factory migrant workers collective action, political opportunity mechanism provides legal environment for factory migrant workers collective action carried out. Therefore, the factory migrant workers collective action is the result of multiple mechanisms'joint action. One single factor can not effectively explain factory migrant workers collective action, which must be placed in a multicultural perspective to get the explanation.Specifically, first, the root of the factory migrant workers collective action is that sense of deprivation they suffered. On one hand, this sense of deprivation dues to exclusion and defects of specific reregulation, lag of related laws and regulations, poor implementation of the local government system, circumventing laws and regulations by employers. On the other hand, it is also associated with a lower degree of migrant workers integrated into city, neglected in workplace and rising awareness about the social equity. Therefore, the sense of deprivation is the source of factory migrant workers collective action. Second, the ability basis of factory migrant workers collective action is resource mobilization, which specifically includes approach, platform, media and power of resource mobilization. Among them, the mobilization of common meanings and actions are two ways of resource mobilization. Dormitory is as factory migrant workers living and communication space, which provides a platform for the resource mobilization. The new media provides a convenient and efficient information support for resource mobilization. Workers representatives are the backbone of resource mobilization. Finally, the changing of the state political environment, the system of laws and regulations, the participation and promoting of labor NGO, and the support of public opinion that expand the factory migrant workers' political opportunity and promote the formation of their collective action, which are the legitimacy foundation of the collective action.
Keywords/Search Tags:factory migrant workers, collective action, deprivation mechanism, resource mobilization mechanism, political opportunity mechanism
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