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Philosophical Reflection On The Collaborative Governance Of Western Governments And Social Organizations

Posted on:2018-04-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1316330515478933Subject:Management philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Collaborative governance is the new system design and arrangement that western countries made to enhance social operation and increase the efficiency of the governance,in order to meet the challenges of the new era public administration for the post-industrial society.This paper studies the collaborative governance of western government and social organizations within the framework of western system of collaborative governance.Government and social organizations act on the basis of equality and mutual trust and work together for the common value.Western collaborative governance of the collective action contains complex rational calculation and the game process.It also has close connection with specific political culture and society environment.So it is necessary for us to have a reflective research on the system design and arrangement of collaborative governance of western government for the need of the development of our country’s public administration and theory reference.This paper focuses on the exploration of the internal mechanism of collaborative governance from the perspective of the relationship between subjects.It also analyzes the value of collaborative governance of government and social organizations on the practice of western public administration development and reflects the difficulties that western collaborative governance met in the process of its formation.Then it discusses the construction of the collaborative governance of our government and social organizations considering the practices of our country.Firstly,this paper defines the connotation of the collaborative governance in the realm of effective collaboration between government and social organizations.It believes that the structure of government and social organizations on the basis of common consensus is the foundation for the promotion of the collaborative collective actions.Secondly it analyzes the government and social organization collaborative governance of the development ofwestern public administration ethics value and democratic values according to the mechanism of western public administration’s collaborative governance.In terms of ethical value,this paper argues that the collaborative network by condensation of social capital,not only promoted the formation of ethics relation between government and social organizations,and incorporate the behavior choice of the government and social organization within the framework of public responsibility ethics,so as to promote the establishment of the fact that the public management order.In terms of democratic values,this paper argues that the western collaborative governance as a new kind of system design,fully restore the subjectivity of the social public in public life,expanded the social main body into public life world of breadth,depth and validity,provides the public management democracy practice wide experimental field.Again,in this paper,the western governments and social organizations to reflect on the collaborative governance may encounter difficulties of practice.These difficulties mainly includes individual rationality last game of the plight of collective rationality priority in practice,the limitations of alternative moral behavior caused the plight of man’s moral existence,specific environment caused by the western system of collaborative governance mode for trouble.Finally,the article according to the western governments and social organizations of collaborative governance value of public management,and practice plight existing in the system itself,combining with the practice of social governance system in China,the relationship between state and society and the specific situation of the social development,puts forward the current actual government and social organizations in our country cooperative governance system construction ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:collaborative governance, ethics, democracy, government, social organization
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