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Research On The Fragmentation Of The Supply Of Rural Public Service Project System

Posted on:2017-07-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1316330518480680Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This dissertation takes the phenomenon of the fragmentation of the rural public service supply as the starting point and explores the internal relationship between the fragmentation and the project system. After the reform of the national tax and the reform of the rural tax and fee especially, most fiscal funds have been transformed into the central government, while the task of the supply of rural public service has been undertaken by the local governments and the grass-root units especially. Therefore, the power of the fiscal fund and the public affairs was not distributed reasonably between the central government and the local governments. To ensure the supply of public service of the local governments and maintain the stability of the the grass-root society,the central government motivates the local governments to offer the public service in the way of transferring special funds from top to bottom. In this historical context project system became the main way of the rural public service supply. The supply of rural public service follows the bureaucratic logic of division which gives rise to fragmentation. To some extent, fragmentation adapts to the needs of the professional division of labor and regional division, but it brings about many problems such as an unknown subject, dispersed financial funds and unclear responsibility.It is the primary hypothesis for this thesis that project system is attached to the bureaucracy. The problem of fragmentation is caused by excessive meticulous professional division of labor and regional division within the bureaucracy system. The whole operation process of the project system includes the project setup, project implementation and project supervision. These three stages are actually attached to the bureaucracy. Without organization structure the project system could not play a role.The operation of project system including the above three stages are all closely combined with bureaucracy, which lays a foundation for the further study on its fragmentation.Theoretically, this dissertation creates the theory of the fragmented governments as the research foundation. The fragmented governments mean that because of excessive specialization and division of powers, the bureaucratic system lacks coordination,communication and cooperation within government departments so that it could not achieve the overall policy objective successfully. Fragmentation results from excessive specialization and strong sense of territorial management. Rural public services are supplied by from the central government to the local governments, which forms the model of the "line management". Moreover, they receive the management from different branches of the governments, which calls the model of the "branches management". The above two management models lead the project system to fragmentation phenomenon and fragmentation problems. However, holistic governance theory provides an ideal governance path in dealing with fragmentation problems.In terms of research methods, on the basis of existing literature, this dissertation constructs a theory framework to analyze the problem of the fragmentation and explores the intrinsic relationship between the project system and the fragmentation with the cases as an index. Literature review mainly focuses on the study of rural public services supply. In fact, Research related to the supply of rural public service at home and abroad is rich enough both in theory and practice, based on which this study about fragmentation has been carried on. When it comes to theoretical framework, according to holistic governance the fragmentation can be divided into several sections:diversification of the subject, decentralization of funds and complex of interests, which unified with three operation stages of the project system: project operation, project implementation and project supervision. This research argues that project generation is the dynamic mechanism of fragmentation. The project operation reflects the characteristics of the fragmentation. The project supervision and the fragmentation affect each other. In addition, the research illustrates the relationship between the project system and the fragmentation by using many cases in the field survey.On the study content, this research has four core aspects. The first part is the project generation and the motivation mechanism of the fragmentation. From the division of the main project, special funds and the main interests among departments and regions, the project generation process attached to the hierarchical system constitutes the internal power of its fragmentation. The second part is the implementation of the project and the manifestations of the fragmentation. Project generation process is the internal power of the fragmentation and there is no obvious fragmentation phenomenon. The implementation process of the project has the problem of the fragmentation such as diversified subjects, decentralized funds and complicate interests. The third part is the project supervision and the influence of the fragmentation.Project supervision interacts with the influences of fragmentation. The poor regulation exacerbates the effects of the fragmentation on the subjects, funds and interests.Conversely, many negative factors of the fragmentation to some extent are disadvantage to project supervision. The fourth part is the project optimization and the governance path of fragmentation. As for the problems of the fragmentation in the project system, based on holistic governance theory the research constructs project linkage mechanism which includes the mechanism of communication, integration and trust in order to get holistic governance of the supply of the rural public services project system finally.As a conclusion, the project system of rural public service which is composed of the project generation, the project implementation and the project supervision has close internal relations with the fragmentation supply and the fragmentation. However, the holistic governance is the inevitable path in dealing with the fragmentation of the supply of the rural public service project system.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural public service supply, project system, fragmentation, holistic governance, project linkage mechanism
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