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A Study On Benefit Equilibrium In Land Expropriation

Posted on:2017-06-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1316330518979124Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The benefit distribution imbalance in the process of land expropriation has been one of the most important factors that caused the major social conflicts in modern China.To prevent future conflicts triggered by land expropriation,efforts should be taken to restore the balance of benefit distribution.For this purpose,a new analysis framework based on reconstruction of balanced mechanism of land expropriation is needed.From the static perspective,a sound regime should be improved to regulate the behavior of local governments and the behavior of landless peasants in order to protect the two stakeholders' benefits from land expropriation.From the dynamic perspective,the system of land expropriation should be innovated to guarantee the benefits distributed equally among different stakeholders by letting them involve fairly in the process of land expropriation.The local government,who is the only implementer and the monopoly supplier in the primary land market,emerges as the most important stakeholder in the land expropriation.In China,the land expropriation is not conducted through the market but administrative orders.Such situation is caused by the current laws,regulations and policies related to land expropriation.However,along with the reforming and amending of land system operated by the central government,the local governments have become aware of benefit assignment and started to pay more attention to the balance between social benefit and economic benefit.This has been the main pusher of the reform of land expropriation system.Landless peasant is the other most important stakeholder.At present,the main form of compensation for landless peasants is cash.There are a lot of problems in this practice,such as inadequate compensation,simplex arrangement,etc.Diversified security system for landless peasants is one of the key elements for benefit equilibrium in land expropriation.Hence,appeal expression channel should be developed;urbanization in the land expropriation areas should be accelerated;public service for employment and entrepreneurship focused on landless peasants should be improved;the integration of urban and rural areas should be promoted by constructing a universal land market,public service system and social security system.Benefit equilibrium refers to balanced distribution ensured by sound system and mechanism instead of average distribution.Innovating land expropriation system,taking the interests of different stakeholders into consideration,reaching balance equilibrium are the key missions to carry out land expropriation.Meanwhile,the depth and width of different stakeholders' participation and the efficiency of bargain mechanism,will collectively determine whether the land expropriation innovation and operation would be successful or not.
Keywords/Search Tags:Land expropriation, Benefit, Equilibrium, Mechanism
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