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Political Tolerance:Moral Responsibility Of Political Behavior And Institutional Ethics

Posted on:2019-11-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330548472318Subject:Foreign political system
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In modern society,different individuals or groups are not only different in religions and cultures,but also have very different moral and philosophical ideas,that are always incompatible with each other.How to treat and deal with these ideas?How can the people coexist,whom are divided or opposed to each other?This is the core to build a well-ordered society.For the resolution of conflicting ideas,many thinkers have put forward many ideas."tolerance" is an undoubtedly important way."Political tolerance" has become an important part of modem political civilization.However,there are obvious differences between the understanding or interpretation of "political tolerance" by different individuals or societies.Such as,is political tolerance an individual or a group's behavioral moral responsibility,or is it a socially necessary political ethics and institutional regulation?Although people have established the principle of the rule of law and the legal boundary about modern political tolerance,how can they define the legal boundary?How to ensure that tolerant institutional virtue?In addition,if tolerance only agrees legal political behavior,what is the value and significance of such political tolerance?Is it consistent with the extension of justice tolerance?Will the price of political tolerance undermine social order and tolerance?These problems are not only practical problems but also theoretical problems.Firstly,the paper reviews the theory of politic tolerance and examines the development of political toleration in the West and China.Analyze the different actions and institutional requirements and national characteristics of political tolerance in China and abroad.Secondly,from the two dimensions of behavior and institution,we discuss the intrinsic value,action space and institutional guarantees of political toleration,and focus on its behavioral boundary,moral responsibility,institutional regulation,and ethical foundation.Finally,in the contemporary transformational China,we analyze the functions,roles,and limits of political tolerance.How to practice political tolerance,strengthen the behavioral moral responsibility,grasp the legal boundary,and handle issues such as over-tolerance and inadequacy.From a macro perspective,political tolerance experienced two major stages:ancient tolerance and modern tolerance.There are also different types of positive tolerance and negative tolerance,emotional tolerance and legal tolerance.In ancient time,western political tolerance is a tool for alleviating religious conflicts.In essence,it is religious tolerance and compromise.In modern time,political tolerance is further generalization,politicization,and institutionalization.,to protect citizens'freedom of belief and conscience.The emergence of modern western political tolerance is not only the result of the development of capitalist democracy,but also the product of the progress of liberal political philosophy.China's political tolerance has also experienced the two stages of ancient tolerance and modern political tolerance.Compared with West,China's political toleration has paid more attention to the adjustment of social relations and social life.The limits and norms of tolerance depend on "emotion" and "morality" rather than "right" and "law".Therefore,this paper holds that distinction between "emotional tolerance" and "legal tolerance" in traditional Chinese political toleration and western political toleration.Modem political tolerance is a right to recognize and protect the actors' free space.Rights and obligations have always been equal.Actors must assume corresponding responsibilities by laws.Judging from the dimension of political behavior,political tolerance makes moral demands on individuals.This paper analyzes the foundations of philosophy and points out the moral responsibilities of political tolerance,including justice,respect,equality,and deliberation..Among these four interrelated elements,justice is the ultimate moral responsibility and goal of politics.Judging from the perspective of the political institution,modern laws and institutions,to a certain extent,confirm and regulate social morality,have inherent moral requirements or "morality," and their political ethics and the ultimate goal are political justice and even social justice.Modern political toleration is the institutional tolerance too,and the tolerant nature is intrinsically compatible with the pursuit of the institutional ethics.In the modern society,there are the participation mechanism,competition mechanism,supervision mechanism,and corrective mechanism in the framework of democracy,these mechanisms are institutional guarantees.In the real world,there are risks of excessive or insufficient tolerance,whether from individuals or groups,and institutional tolerance has also been too strict or too wide.This article denies neither strict tolerance nor excessive tolerance without a bottom line.laws is the necessary limits of political tolerance.This is also a necessary condition for maintaining social order.Because the space of over-excessive and insufficient tolerant is historical in nature,the laws and institutions that are compatible with it are also normative and open,to ensure the freedom rights and to provide a more tolerant space and environment.Nowadays,China is in the period of comprehensively deepening reforms and dramatic social transformations,the need for political tolerance is even more pressing.In the new historical period,on the one hand,the moral responsibility and legal regulation must be more emphasized.Individuals'behavior and values must consider the social endurance and the adaptability of the institution;On the other hand,they must also adopt an open mind to deal with all kinds of conflict values,establishing a new concept of tolerance and the legal boundary.Forming a values and ideological system of"oneness and pluralism" on the foundation of socialist core values,and focus on strengthening the construction of socialist democracy and legal systems,especially strengthening the leadership of the Communist Party.The multi-party cooperation institution,the multi-level and multi-form grass-roots democratic deliberation can accommodate different interests and values,it will create more space for reform and opening up,making for social progress.
Keywords/Search Tags:Political tolerance, Political behavior, Moral responsibility, Legal regulation, Institutional ethics
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